Earl Nightingale
My 10 things I learned from Earl Nightingale. I read most of his work years ago what I find most fascinating is number one because it works for me!
1.We become what we think about the most !
2.Success is reaching your goal
3.You need goalson life
4.The goal mine is between your ears
5.It is our attitude towards life which determines life’s attitude towards us.
6.Before a person can achieve the kind of life he wants, he must become that kind of individual, he must think, act, talk, walk, and conduct himself in all of his affairs as would the person he wishes to become.
7.The higher you go in any organization of value, the better will be the attitude you’ll find.
8.Your mind can hold only one thought at a time. And since there’s nothing at all to be gained by being negative, be positive.
9.The deepest craving of human beings is to be needed, to feel important, to be appreciated. Give it to them, and they’ll return it to you.
10.Look for the best in new ideas.
Saul Serrano
Earl Nightingale
Vacation Rental Mastery
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