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Intentional Men

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9 contributions to Intentional Men
Bible Study Today – 12:30p PST
Hey brothers, Today I’ll be doing a 30 min Bible study on renewing the mind from Romans 12:1-2. This is still the #1 topic I get. We’ll discuss - Why we rationalize p*rn - Lies vs truth we believe - Practical strategies to renew the mind Also, we will be doing this every Wednesday. Put it down in you calendar! You can also go to the calendar tab in this community and see it. Join here:
New comment 8d ago
Bible Study Today – 12:30p PST
1 like • 20d
Thanks for doing this, I was able to jump on for a little bit just unable to engage since I was not in an environment to speak up.
1 like • 12d
I’ve had some breakthroughs lately thanks to resources like Intentional Men… really appreciated what you are doing.
Biblical Affirmation to Remember Your Identity
Renewing of the mind happens daily. Our brain has neuroplasticity. It can and will change with the proper inputs. Read these daily and comment below how you’re changing... 1. I am free from the power of lust. Through Christ, I have the strength to overcome temptation. I act with purity and feel confident, strong, and victorious (Romans 6:14). 2. I am forgiven and cleansed. Jesus’ sacrifice has washed away my guilt and shame. I stand forgiven, pure, and at peace with God (1 John 1:9). 3. I am a new creation in Christ. My past does not define me. I live in the freedom of my new identity, feeling empowered, renewed, and whole (2 Corinthians 5:17). 4. I have the mind of Christ. My thoughts are aligned with God’s truth. I reject lustful desires and live with a clear, focused, and holy mind (1 Corinthians 2:16). 5. I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. I no longer respond to lust; I live in the power of the Holy Spirit, feeling free, strong, and unstoppable (Romans 6:11). 6. I am chosen and dearly loved by God. His love fills the void lust once occupied. I feel cherished, secure, and fully satisfied in Him (Colossians 3:12). 7. I am no longer condemned. There is no guilt or shame in Christ. I walk with my head held high, feeling forgiven, restored, and accepted (Romans 8:1). 8. I am empowered by God’s grace. His grace strengthens me to resist temptation. I act with self-control, feeling courageous, resilient, and victorious over lust (Titus 2:11-12). 9. I am led by the Spirit, not by the flesh. I reject sinful desires and live by the Spirit’s power, feeling at peace, spiritually strong, and confident in my purpose (Galatians 5:16). 10. I am protected by God’s power. I take every thought captive and live in the freedom of Christ, feeling safe, guarded, and free from the chains of lust (2 Corinthians 10:5).
New comment 19d ago
1 like • 19d
Love this exercise to retrain the brain. I have to reframe my thoughts constantly or I will have a negative bitter attitude.
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here 🔥)
Hi! Welcome to Intentional Men. This community helps men get the tools and resources needed to walk in integrity to make an impact on the world. Step 1: Introduce yourself below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) 1️⃣ Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? 2️⃣ What do you want to get out of being in this community? 3️⃣ For fun what do you like to do? 4️⃣ Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I'll go first... 🙋 1️⃣ My name is Denis Gerasimov, I am a part-time pastor, married to my lovely wife Anna (for 9 years now!), and have 4 amazing kids (Ezra - 7, Kataleya - 5, Aria - 3, Micah - 1). I dabbled in the business world (start-ups) when I graduated from CSUEB with a marketing/finance degree. God called me to seminary/ministry and here I am now. Live in the wonderful Bay Area where my parents immigrated to from the former Soviet Union back in 1991. 2️⃣ What I want out of this community is to be able to serve you. To help men be who God created them to be. Solid men = solid families = solid society. 🤯 I want to make new friends and inspire hope in men who think life without p*rn is not possible so that they can impact others. 3️⃣ For fun I enjoy hiking, traveling with the fam, playing guitar, and eating yummy food. Love creating things like this community and helping people. 4️⃣ My office is currently at Wework. 😁 (and at home if I need to watch kids) ✅ Let's gooooo! Comment below!
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New comment 19d ago
Introduce Yourself! (Start Here 🔥)
1 like • Sep 17
1. Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? My name is John, I’m 41years old. I am a teacher/coach I have been working in education since 2011 and coach Baseball and Football at Hartselle High School. I’ve been married twice in 2011 and porn addiction wrecked my marriage. Currently remarried since 2016 and my wife Jessica and I have a 7 year old daughter. 2.What do you want to get out of being in this community? I would like to learn ways to block bad habits and replace with new ones. Learn to win the battle in the mind when it comes to Lust. I’ve tried to go at it alone and with this new digital age and all the temptations we need community more than ever. 3.For fun what do you like to do? I like playing pickle ball and golf. 4. Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I’m usually on a bus traveling to games Aug-Nov and Feb-May
What is lust and why do we lust?
According to my knowledge of the Word of God, lust is a sin in the simplest way of understanding what it is according to the Word of God. It's part of the Sin Nature or the Old man's ways because it's ungodly and sinful to lust after a woman or women in your heart. But it can be worse than that it can lead to several ways of undressing women in your mind. For instance, if a man is over-fantasizing, dreaming, reminiscing, and many other things to please his sexual craving for sex. Lust can lead to just more than having these things in the mind but also seeking to fulfill them by finding and sleeping with women or watching these things. Watching or having anything outside of marriage is lust and is a sin. You’re not supposed to marry just to do that because it's seeking fulfillment of desire and marrying what you're idolizing. You marry them with the idea that your cravings will be met timely and often as needed. That is an abomination in the sight of God. You can not live in sin and be comfortable living in sexual immorality. Do not misunderstand that sex is a sin, but having sex in your heart or with someone outside of marriage is a sin. Sex is only for a man and a woman who are evenly yoked as believers under a covenant with God. This is how we know sex is a gift or a blessing from God and is pleasing in His sight. Salsanblues a Reddit user stated: "Feeling attraction is not sinful. Feeling sexual desire is not sinful... None of these things are sinful on their own, they are part of God's design. Lust, in its most basic, is the objectification of another person for your selfish pleasure. It's a one-sided sexual act/fantasy that you CHOOSE, which is outside of the consent of the other party. They keep teaching men that they are no better than animals and that acknowledging attraction or sexual interest is lust. It's not. Then they tell women that it's their responsibility to prevent the men around them from lusting and that their bodies insight lust. (My comment "A woman is responsible for her appearance aka modesty and speaks.) Which is reducing women to the sum of their body parts instead of seeing them as whole people, worthy of respect and sisters in Christ. When you see a super attractive woman in the street, or on the bus, just living life, it's fine to acknowledge that she's attractive. But lust is when you stop caring about her as a person, see her body as something to consume, and use her for your pleasure regardless of her consent.
New comment Sep 16
1 like • Sep 2
I need to learn how to cut it out take those thoughts captive and meditate in the word of God.
1 like • Sep 16
Love this reading something out loud creates new pathways. Thanks for sharing Antonio Perez
👇🏻 You choose workshop topic (VOTE)
Guys - I want to get to know you more, serve you better. Will be doing a workshop next 📆 Friday afternoon or Saturday AM. 💬 What topic would most benefit you? 1. Renewing the mind 2. building healthy friendships 3. figuring out root cause of lust 4. Time management 5. Sleep, dopamine, food - how it all works. 6. Comment below any other topic you’d like to discuss! Most commented topic, or liked topic wins… 👌🏻
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New comment Sep 16
👇🏻 You choose workshop topic (VOTE)
0 likes • Sep 16
The is a great thread, my mind has been captive to self gratification and I’m still looking for a plan to kill those thoughts. Taking my lustful thoughts captive has been a challenge. I know to find freedom from a stronghold like this takes time. I’m bringing my thoughts into obedience with God’s word the battle is won or lost in the mind. This is war.
1-9 of 9
John Hardin
11points to level up
I’m an educator and sports junkie. I live in a small town in Alabama. Roll Tide!

Active 1d ago
Joined Jul 24, 2024
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