Biblical Affirmation to Remember Your Identity
Renewing of the mind happens daily. Our brain has neuroplasticity. It can and will change with the proper inputs.
Read these daily and comment below how you’re changing...
  1. I am free from the power of lust. Through Christ, I have the strength to overcome temptation. I act with purity and feel confident, strong, and victorious (Romans 6:14).
  2. I am forgiven and cleansed. Jesus’ sacrifice has washed away my guilt and shame. I stand forgiven, pure, and at peace with God (1 John 1:9).
  3. I am a new creation in Christ. My past does not define me. I live in the freedom of my new identity, feeling empowered, renewed, and whole (2 Corinthians 5:17).
  4. I have the mind of Christ. My thoughts are aligned with God’s truth. I reject lustful desires and live with a clear, focused, and holy mind (1 Corinthians 2:16).
  5. I am dead to sin and alive in Christ. I no longer respond to lust; I live in the power of the Holy Spirit, feeling free, strong, and unstoppable (Romans 6:11).
  6. I am chosen and dearly loved by God. His love fills the void lust once occupied. I feel cherished, secure, and fully satisfied in Him (Colossians 3:12).
  7. I am no longer condemned. There is no guilt or shame in Christ. I walk with my head held high, feeling forgiven, restored, and accepted (Romans 8:1).
  8. I am empowered by God’s grace. His grace strengthens me to resist temptation. I act with self-control, feeling courageous, resilient, and victorious over lust (Titus 2:11-12).
  9. I am led by the Spirit, not by the flesh. I reject sinful desires and live by the Spirit’s power, feeling at peace, spiritually strong, and confident in my purpose (Galatians 5:16).
  10. I am protected by God’s power. I take every thought captive and live in the freedom of Christ, feeling safe, guarded, and free from the chains of lust (2 Corinthians 10:5).
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Denis Gerasimov
Biblical Affirmation to Remember Your Identity
Intentional Men
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