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5 contributions to ChatGPT Users
I'm happy with ChatGPT. Now, 'Claude.AI'., so what?
i have been hearing a lot about 'Claude.AI' , and i know it is another LLM or is it? What differentiates 'Claude.AI' from ChatGPT? Can i get honest opinion on this from those who used both tools extensively please. Thanks a lot.
New comment 2d ago
0 likes โ€ข 3d
@Cameron Ewing you mean if you have long script to produce that do multiple functions?
1 like โ€ข 2d
@Vivek Kumar Govila but isnโ€™t this comes down to how good you are with prompt engineering with ChatGPT. Often time I get great results from ChatGPT when feed her Some great content first follow by great prompts (eg adapting persona) etc. from my experience great results comes from fully grasping the power of prompt engineering everything else is secondary.
Anthropic Launches Sonnet 3.5!
Hey everyone, I'm excited to share that Anthropic has just launched Claude 3.5 Sonnet! This new model raises the bar for intelligence, delivering graduate-level reasoning, superior coding proficiency, and excellent content creation. It's available for free on and the Claude iOS app, with expanded access for Pro and Team plan subscribers. Claude 3.5 Sonnet is twice as fast as its predecessor, making it perfect for complex tasks. Plus, the new Artifacts feature creates a dynamic workspace for real-time content editing and collaboration. Check it out here and let me know your thoughts below! ๐Ÿ‘‡ PS: This new model will be available on TODAY! โšก๏ธ #AI #Claude35 #Innovation #Anthropic
New comment 12d ago
Anthropic Launches Sonnet 3.5!
1 like โ€ข 13d
@Tony Baker How can, and in what ways? I'm already paid plus ChatGPT; how can this AI deliver something that ChatGPT cannot?
1 like โ€ข 13d
@Tony Baker you can train ChatGPT to be able to adapt certain persona before you ask it to write something for you. That comes down to how good you are at prompt engineering though.
(Secret) Preserving ChatGPT Markdown Formatting in Google Docs
I struggled to copy ChatGPT's Markdown into Google Docs without the background color. And I couldn't remove the color without removing the Markdown!?! ๐Ÿ˜• I cracked the code! Here's how you can fix it and move on to craft the perfect blog layout. (Disclaimer: This was just my solution. Please share if you found an easier way?) : 1. Create a new Google Doc by going to Google Docs > New Doc. 2. In the top menu bar, navigate to Tools > Preferences and check the box labeled "Automatically detect Markdown." 3. Copy the Markdown-formatted text from ChatGPT and paste it into your Google Doc. 4. Select all the pasted text by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + A (or CMD + A for Mac users). 5. Go to the top menu bar and choose Format > Paragraph Styles > Borders and Shading. 6. Select > Reset 7. Select > Apply The background color is gone! When you select a heading in your Google Doc, it should be properly formatted as Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on. Hope this helps! ๐Ÿ‘‹ (If this information has already been covered elsewhere, I apologize for boring you to death. I couldn't find the solution, and it was a pain point. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ)
New comment 18d ago
(Secret) Preserving ChatGPT Markdown Formatting in Google Docs
1 like โ€ข Apr 14
To avoid any confusion, simply click on the 'copy' icon located above the chat box and paste it into any document. Then, it's done!
0 likes โ€ข May 24
@Jonathan Gaze thank you
Connected App: Google Drive
Hi, how do we add this feature in our account settings? I cannot see it in my settings.
New comment May 24
Connected App: Google Drive
0 likes โ€ข May 24
Happy Days :-)
Using memory in ChatGPT+ to give different styles of writing...
I have several websites and have a different style of AI Writing in each one. I usually have to load the instructions along with the prompt. But now I have added the instructions to the memory and preceded each instructions with: "When writing for [type name in here] follow these instructions:" When I write an article I write: Please write an article for [type name in here] about [type subject in here] It seems to work giving me different types of articles with different voices.
New comment May 19
0 likes โ€ข May 19
how do you add this into its memory?
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