We are growing faster than ever before. WHY? Because of one simple thing. VALUE VALUE VALUE. Let me explain! One of the people I helped just made $20k in a day. And they will most likely make a few times MORE over the next few days. And here's what's actually crazy. When you actually focus on Giving and helping others reach their goals, Others will help you reach your goals. Look at Hormozi, Sam Ovens, Andrew Kirby, or anyone else. They all have created massive amounts of value for others. And that's why they are where they are today. And that's why they DESERVE it. The Lesson? Instead of asking how do you get things, start GIVING things. Your time, energy, attention, passion. Anything you can give. Give more than anyone else. Don't do it for a day. Don't do it for a month. Do it for a long time. Until when? Until people start asking what they can give you. If you do that, you will win. I promise. As I said, nothing is overnight. I'm not saying it's easy. And it does take time. And there WILL be ups and downs no matter what! But if you are ready to work hard for your goals, be patient, and not quit, you will crush it. I promise. Keep going! Skool is just getting started! And don't forget: Be impatient with actions but patient with the results. Win. - Harut.