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17 contributions to FTP Community
Follow each other on YouTube?
Hey, everyone. Do you want to follow each other on YouTube? Here is a link to my channel, and if you list yours below, we can all follow you. Peace and success…❤️
New comment Apr '23
0 likes • Feb '23
@Tracey V I subscribed to you as well!
0 likes • Feb '23
@Jenna Barra I subscribed back
Feedback on Mission Statements
Hey everyone, I was wondering if I could get some feedback on these mission statements. I'm still trying to narrow down which one I would choose because I'm equally passionate about all three of these things and in my journey, all three of these topics were deeply intertwined. Also, special shoutout to Brian Parsons for inspiring these statements! I serve people who are recovering from a limiting mental condition, whether diagnosed or not, and help them let go of the frustration and darkness of their past. I help them reframe the stories and labels they have given themselves, or that have been given to them by others, and see the potential of their new and promising life where personal empowerment is at the forefront of every day. I serve people who are frustrated with their emotional state because they feel self-judgement when connecting with, feeling, or expressing their emotions. Because of these judgments, their relationship with themselves, others, and Spirit is less than fulfilling and they feel robbed of the emotional bliss of life. I serve people who sense that their emotional pain stems from a past life and show them how to get to the source of their past life trauma, while also helping them integrate the transmuted wisdom into the life they are living here and now. I help them see that how we choose to perceive a painful situation is as important as the situation itself and that there's always a way to be free in the now, despite the pain of their past. Through freeing up this stagnant energy, I help them embrace a new and exciting life of endless possibilities. Thank you for your advice and rock on!
New comment Feb '23
2 likes • Feb '23
@Russ Johnson I love that. Thank you for the feedback!
I know all about Angels that appear in Human form. Another one of my Life's Stories.... At the time when my Mom and I were homeless there were many Angels that would gently remind us we were loved and not alone. For example when I decided that I was going to hitchhike with my mother from Reno to Las Vegas. Why? Because, I felt that if we didn't do something towards our survival and because we had been gifted for a short time a small trailer with no electricity, with no heat in the middle of one of Reno's worst snow storms, we were going to die, either by starvation or frost bite. So, one night when I had had enough. I declared to my mother. "We are going to hitchhike to Vegas!" My mother looked at me sick as a dog, and said that I was crazy! And there was no way she was going to do that. However the next night she made a sign and wrote on both sides in color Las Vegas and Reno. Then she said, '" I received the word that we are to leave at 7:00PM." And that was that. And that is just what we did. So with just the clothes on our backs and wearing identical leopard coats "Of course they were Fake Fur Coats." Although they were beautiful to look at they were not very warm. So, at 7:00 PM we were at the entrance to the Freeway that pointed to Vegas. Angel #1 was a truant officer that thought I was one of his runaways. But as soon as my mother introduced herself, he knew he had the wrong girl. However, he had a very kind heart and took my mother and I to get something to eat. I ordered a large piece of Pineapple Cream Pie. It tasted like spoonfuls of heaven. So, good with a cold glass of milk. He also had a conscience, so he drove my mother and I to the nearest Rest Stop. Then he gave my mom the rest of the money he had and said "God Bless and keep you both." And reluctantly drove away. Angel #2 We had been at the rest stop for a while and let me tell you, it was cold. So, I had recently read something where if you could put toilet paper in your shoes it would help your feet stay warm. I can tell you that was a lie. Maybe it would work in boots. But it didn't work with the shoes I was wearing. It just made my little piggies too close for comfort. So to keep warm I started singing and dancing around the light pole.
New comment Feb '23
2 likes • Feb '23
This is an amazing story, thank you for sharing!
What Business Am I Really In? (Looking for Advice)
Hey everyone! I was wondering if I could get some feedback on the business that I'm in. I'm trying to decide what to call myself so I can then write my mission statement. What is it that I actually help people do: - help people give themselves permission to feel their emotions - help people reframe the story around their "mental illness" and life challenges - help people get through their addictions - help people interpret past life meaning/why they can remember other lives (I know this one is kinda off topic, but still wanted to throw it in here) Significant problems I solve: - get people to give themselves permission to feel their feelings - get people to open up to themselves about why they have blocks when it comes to feeling their emotions - get people to feel that their feelings are valid and that they are worthy to feel their emotions - get people to understand they aren't alone and that it's okay to admit they need help - help people give their lives meaning who feel worthless and are hopeless about their future - get people to quit their addictions and reinforce their "why" of why they want to stay sober - reframe "mental illness" in a positive way - interpret past life meaning and explain that the ability to remember other lives is a gift (again, I know this is kinda off topic) Business that I'm in: - Emotional Release Coach - Identity Reframing Guide Thank you to all who provide feedback, It is greatly appreciated!
New comment Feb '23
0 likes • Feb '23
@Russ Johnson this is awesome. Thank you so much
0 likes • Feb '23
@Victor Oddo thank you for the feedback!! I really appreciate it
Vulnerable Video
I've really done it now..... I've shared something that I was afraid to share because of judgment from people in my past. I finally said screw it and posted a video directed towards men who feel uncomfortable sharing their emotions with women. I used to be one of these men and I eventually realized women find a man who can cry to be sexy. In fact, women want a man who can show their emotions because it shows a level of vulnerability, courage, and authenticity that is scarcely found. I have also realized that men who are afraid to show their emotions and who think they have to act all macho are my target audience. I used to put up this same persona and that's exactly why I can relate to it and help men transform themselves into the vulnerable and emotionally available man their meant to be. Rock on!
New comment Feb '23
Vulnerable Video
1 like • Feb '23
@Emily Hunt They really do. There are so many feminine men out there that are putting on an alpha/tough guy personas because they think this is the only way a man can be. I want to open up their eyes to the truth that they can give themselves permission to feel their emotions and that this is actually the key to feeling safe in their own skin.
0 likes • Feb '23
@Jivan Darien thank you!
1-10 of 17
Jackson Cox
359points to level up
I’m interested in working with men who struggle with emotional vulnerability and who use substances to suppress their emotions.

Active 435d ago
Joined Jan 27, 2023
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