I know all about Angels that appear in Human form.
Another one of my Life's Stories....
At the time when my Mom and I were homeless there were many Angels that would gently remind us we were loved and not alone.
For example when I decided that I was going to hitchhike with my mother from Reno to Las Vegas.
Why? Because, I felt that if we didn't do something towards our survival and because we had been gifted for a short time a small trailer with no electricity, with no heat in the middle of one of Reno's worst snow storms, we were going to die, either by starvation or frost bite.
So, one night when I had had enough. I declared to my mother. "We are going to hitchhike to Vegas!"
My mother looked at me sick as a dog, and said that I was crazy! And there was no way she was going to do that. However the next night she made a sign and wrote on both sides in color Las Vegas and Reno. Then she said, '" I received the word that we are to leave at 7:00PM." And that was that. And that is just what we did. So with just the clothes on our backs and wearing identical leopard coats "Of course they were Fake Fur Coats." Although they were beautiful to look at they were not very warm.
So, at 7:00 PM we were at the entrance to the Freeway that pointed to Vegas.
Angel #1 was a truant officer that thought I was one of his runaways. But as soon as my mother introduced herself, he knew he had the wrong girl. However, he had a very kind heart and took my mother and I to get something to eat. I ordered a large piece of Pineapple Cream Pie. It tasted like spoonfuls of heaven. So, good with a cold glass of milk. He also had a conscience, so he drove my mother and I to the nearest Rest Stop. Then he gave my mom the rest of the money he had and said "God Bless and keep you both." And reluctantly drove away.
Angel #2 We had been at the rest stop for a while and let me tell you, it was cold. So, I had recently read something where if you could put toilet paper in your shoes it would help your feet stay warm. I can tell you that was a lie. Maybe it would work in boots. But it didn't work with the shoes I was wearing. It just made my little piggies too close for comfort. So to keep warm I started singing and dancing around the light pole.
Then a miracle.. A truck came barreling by and after a few hundred feet, we heard his brakes come to a screeching halt. We watched as he skillfully backed up all the way to where my mother and I were standing, flung open his door and yelled. "I have been on the road for 36 hours straight and I thought I was hallucinating. What the FU*!* are you ladies doing out here in the middle of nowhere!"
With Love and Gratitude,
Carla Masterson
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