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Luan's School Of Music

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10 contributions to Luan's School Of Music
Why do you play guitar?
This might be a silly question, but it’s something I have been thinking about as part of my own “journey”. As my limited post history shows, I am struggling to actually learn songs. I would say I can decently play along to a track, but if I had to play on my own… it would sound terrible and would be barely recognizable as the song. It definitely does not help that I get bored / frustrated / annoyed with a song so then I just move on to some other song. But it also got me thinking about mindset and maybe the overall reason why you play. For me, the desire to play guitar came almost from an “intellectual” point of view. I like getting to learn how things work and guitar provides an interesting challenge there. Combine that with the actual need to learn a physical skill for the first time since learning to ride a bike and you got a nice challenge on your hands (pun intended). But I never did this with the desire to perform, be a musician or be creative. Don’t get me wrong, I love music, love seeing live performances and I thoroughly enjoy seeing the videos of the community here. It’s really stupid, but it seems like I just lack the desire to make music, I just want to be really good at guitar. Part of this might be some subconscious stage fright or maybe I am just in denial of my desire to be John Mayer (or Luan 😉), but I just cannot seem to get over that hurdle. I even ask myself “why be good at guitar if you don’t want to really play it” and I just do not have an actual answer. I cannot help but think it does seem kinda dumb to go through all this effort for no real reason. Any advice or ideas there? I do thoroughly enjoy playing around with my guitars, but it seems like the lack of any “real” motivation is just keeping me stuck in a perpetual cycle of trying to find the next song that might make it click. Thanks for listening to my TED talk 😅
New comment 4d ago
0 likes • 10d
@Luan Krasniqi Let me start with a disclaimer that I know I am WAY too old to act like an annoying teenager, yet here I am stuck on the overall "why even bother?" question. But hey! It is one way to feel young I guess 🤣 I would like to think that if I would wake up tomorrow and I could play like you, I would want to do nothing but play guitar and would actually feel like a musician. But unless I find those mystical crossroads Robert Johnson went to, it would require a lot of work AND motivation. My current lack of motivation is just a lack of clear goals and a path towards those goals. I think that is what you are eluding to as well. Once you start having a few wins, you will be way more motivated to continue.
1 like • 10d
@Anirudh G.a That is honestly great, wish I had some of that magical motivation ;-)
Set your goals for the Week! (2/9)
I'm starting first! Travelling Solider - The Chicks, Going to learn it but more importantly I want to get into my lyric practice routine of a morning session and afternoon session to memorise them.
New comment 12d ago
2 likes • 14d
Man, I wish I had an answer for this question! I feel I am way to ADHD to stick to one thing and get distracted by failing to learn a new song every 5 minutes...
1 like • 13d
@Luan Krasniqi completely makes sense. I am sure having a list of 200 songs to just play for the fun of it is fine, but practice should be more mindful I guess? Would you recommend having dedicated practice songs that help with different techniques? Like one for fingerstyle, one with extensive riffs and some tricky strumming? Of just pick what you like?
Recording yourself is scary…
But man it is soo helpful. Recorded using Ableton while I was playing along to a song and it is obvious where I missed the mark (pun intended) I was feeling like it was spot on, but guess not!
New comment 29d ago
Recording yourself is scary…
Feedback Friday 16 Aug AEST
Let's get hyped for our 4th Feedback Friday which is me giving feedback to our community's posts live on stream! TO GET FEEDBACK: - If you don’t have a video you can ask a question in your comment. - Post a link to your video in a comment on this thread - If you don't know to share a video CLICK THIS LINK (You upload your video as unlisted video on youtube and share the link) - In your comment please state what area of help you're after, the more specific the better. - Do not make your videos longer than 2 mins. - Do not explain in your video I'll skip it and go straight to the playing. - I will watch videos by levels starting from highest to lowest: All level 4 students first, all level 3, etc. - To gain levels engage in the community with posts and comments, every like on your comments/posts gets you a point and points get you levels, it's a video game. - Refrain from offering feedback to others, only show support and encouragement. We will iterate on this as we learn more each week. The feedback will be shared on my youtube channel and timestamped for y'all to watch replays or catch it if you are unable to live. Can't wait to see your questions and performances if I can’t do this tomorrow I’ll do a stream asap and do it so please post your content :)
New comment 30d ago
2 likes • Aug 8
Do you have any tips or pointers for learning percussive fingerstyle?
1 like • Aug 16
@Luan Krasniqi Just watched the recording! Thanks for replying, very helpful
How do you learn knew songs?
I’m curious how others learn new songs. For me I try to force myself to learn as much of it by ear as possible. It’s not the fastest way but it is good for ear training. I find that I can get most of a song this way but then there always seems to be one or two small sections, or even just one chord, in many songs that I can’t get and so for those parts I’ll use the internet (generally ultimate guitar app, sometimes YouTube).
New comment Aug 13
2 likes • Aug 12
@Brad Simon My guitar teacher recommended to use Amazing Slow Downer ( for this. It used to be able to do this with Spotify, now you need the MP3 I think. I also have used Guitar Pro 8 ( for this. Just enter the tabs and play along. Finally, you can set the playback speed in youtube as well. But that is mostly a 0.75x or 0.5x speed and it changes the pitch as far as I can tell.
1-10 of 10
Ivo B
39points to level up
Amsterdam, NL 3 years into guitar Taylor GS Mini e-Koa Epiphone 1959 Les Paul Standard

Active 5d ago
Joined Jul 27, 2024
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