Feedback Friday 16 Aug AEST
Let's get hyped for our 4th Feedback Friday which is me giving feedback to our community's posts live on stream!
  • If you don’t have a video you can ask a question in your comment.
  • Post a link to your video in a comment on this thread
  • If you don't know to share a video CLICK THIS LINK (You upload your video as unlisted video on youtube and share the link)
  • In your comment please state what area of help you're after, the more specific the better.
  • Do not make your videos longer than 2 mins.
  • Do not explain in your video I'll skip it and go straight to the playing.
  • I will watch videos by levels starting from highest to lowest: All level 4 students first, all level 3, etc.
  • To gain levels engage in the community with posts and comments, every like on your comments/posts gets you a point and points get you levels, it's a video game.
  • Refrain from offering feedback to others, only show support and encouragement.
We will iterate on this as we learn more each week. The feedback will be shared on my youtube channel and timestamped for y'all to watch replays or catch it if you are unable to live.
Can't wait to see your questions and performances
if I can’t do this tomorrow I’ll do a stream asap and do it so please post your content :)
Luan Krasniqi
Feedback Friday 16 Aug AEST
Luan's School Of Music
Delivering practical music education for free for our incredible community.
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