LT VS HT... Please Vote 👇
In 2025, are you more interested in earning $5,000-$10,000/month in passive income through a low ticket ($9-$99/month) membership, or from high ticket ($2,500+) sales? READ THIS THEN VOTE: There are pro's and con's to both HT & LT, and neither is better than the other - just preferential. I personally have both a LT & a HT, but here are 3 reasons why I'm asking: 1: Alignment. I'm noticing A LOT of beginners in this community feeling 'out of alignment' with their high ticket programs because they're feeling forced to help people with a “Big 4” end result. Low ticket memberships allow you to help people with ANYTHING you want, allowing more of a 'pursue your passion' type of business model. Plus, because you're charging so little ($9-$99/month) people can really tell you're passionate about what you're teaching VS just doing it for the money. Reason 2: Headaches. High ticket programs come with high ticket headaches if you don't have a big team to take care of everything for you like I do. You need to hire & fire sales reps, manage a sales team, train them, pay commissions, manage major chargeback disputes and risk having your payment processor shut you down. Low ticket memberships have none of this. Reason 3: Affordability. High-ticket programs are getting harder for most people to afford because inflation keeps rising and most people’s income is not keeping up. I've seen it firsthand - more people than ever before are saying "I just can't afford it right now" on sales calls. The solution? Affordable Low Ticket Memberships. Here are the 7 Key Benefits my clients & I have found from running Low Ticket Memberships 1. Predictable Income. No more starting at zero every month like you would with a high ticket business. Once you have members, you have a base income you can count on. The pressure's off when you know you've got a steady monthly income coming in. Compound Growth is a real thing. Each month can now build on the last. If you keep adding members while keeping existing ones happy, your income naturally grows.