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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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5 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Lame origin story
Wish my story was more interesting, like” I was living under a bridge and now I drive lambos”. But I still get emotional when I remember when I first came across clickfunnels and didn’t have a penny to invest, and I was building my business from a laptop on top of a cardboard box/dinner table patching free solutions to my wordpress site. No lambo yet but I have come a long way. Not playing small anymore. Let’s crush it 🔥
New comment Aug 15
2 likes • Aug 10
How I won 2CC, 2CC"X" and 2CC"C" Award in less than two years!
I'm super excited to be here and looking forward to learning one to many selling with Russell. That's because one to many selling is one of the most important key letting me won 2CC, 2CC"X" and even more...2CC"C" Awards in less than two years.(BTW, I'm business consultant who comes from Taiwan. I sell online courses, coaching programs and funnel building services to business owners.) My webinar funnel to sell high ticket won the 2CC"X" Award. I can't imagine this if I'm not selling high ticket offer.(I'm also using Linchpin that Russell taught in 2CCX coaching program/prime mover mastermind to scaling my business now, this model is epic). The most two important lessons I've learned from this journey is shifting your mindset and expand the front-end. If I didn't shift my mindset to sell high ticket, I can't achieve 8 figure level that fast. The biggest myth of most people is selling high ticket is hard and lack of confidence to their products or services. They don't think their products or services worth that much. (They feel pressured to sell high ticket offer, because they don't think their offer has that value to charge higher price point.) But this is all mindset game. If you think deeply to what problems you can solve for your clients, and how their life will change after using your products and services, you'll understand what your value is in a deeper way. Another lesson I learned is expand the front-end. After I build the high ticket webinar funnel and it converts, the next problem I've faced is how to scale it asap. I use facebook ads to drive cold traffic to my high ticket webinar funnel at first. But it's hard to convert efficiently. So I analysis Russell's ads. I found almost all of his ads is selling frond-end offer. I started focusing on the frond-end to expand my audience. This move makes my conversion rate even higher! Most people said is very hard to sell high ticket now, but there is not happening in my business. Because most people focus on selling, and I focus on serving. I promise my clients that no matter how much they pay me, I'll make them back at least three times of profits or their money back.
New comment 5h ago
How I won 2CC, 2CC"X" and 2CC"C" Award in less than two years!
1 like • Aug 10
The Power of Finding Your Voice
After a 25-year career in law enforcement, I was determined to try something completely new. Despite having many opportunities with state and federal agencies, I felt destined for more, though I didn't know what that was. I needed to find a new purpose. My "aha" moment came after reading Russell Brunson's book DotCom Secrets. I was hooked and fell in love with digital marketing. For the next seven years, I absorbed everything I could about the field and became a freelancer designing funnels for others. This experience taught me the incredible power of funnels to change the world. As Russell would say, I totally geeked out. However, this work remained unfulfilling, and I felt the need to do more. My second "aha" moment came after reading Russell's second book, Expert Secrets. Although I thought I had it all figured out, I still didn't know what I wanted to do. Two years ago, I discovered the power of Funnel Hubs after signing up for Clickfunnels 2.0. I read Expert Secrets again and realized I needed to start publishing. So, I began my podcast, The AI-Powered Marketing Show, exploring the intersection of artificial intelligence and digital marketing. I committed to publishing one episode every day for a year. I just published my 234th episode, and I am loving every minute of my journey. I have found my voice and built a program designed to maximize the effectiveness of the Funnel Hub through AI and automation. I have developed a solid framework and have begun testing it with my podcast audience. The podcast grows every day. If I've learned anything worth sharing, it's this: be persistent and find your voice.
New comment Aug 10
0 likes • Aug 10
Great story @Keith Bell !
Fear …
Today I had a speaking engagement - live on FB - and I was soooo nervous. I have done a lot of speaking in my life and still get nervous. Almost to the point of deciding not to do the event. The main reason I continue - is because I believe everything I want is on the other side of that fear. Maybe you are feeling a similar thing going on this journey to learn to sell one to many. I am here to encourage you. If I can do hard. So can you. We have all done hard things that didn’t get us the life we wanted. Now it’s time to do the hard thing that will get us the life we want. We got this! This was my face right before I hit LIVE!
New comment Aug 12
Fear …
3 likes • Aug 10
You are amazing!
😱OMG the Search Engine here!!😱
I am amazed of the Search Engine inside the community. I am kinda new to School, so this was a HUGE revelation for me: If you go to the search bar to the right of the name of your community, and type something, for example, "Spanish" you will get: 1.Every single post that mentions "Spanish" 2.Every person that wrote "Spanish" on their description and/or name 3. but not just that, ALSO you will find in the classroom/courses where"Spanish" is mentioned EVEN INSIDE OF A VIDEO! (nahh, just kidding...🤭 but it will give you all the videos that mentioned it) So, you will see the 3 tabs as results: Community, Classroom, and members If I wanted to reach for example to a "Marketer" I go and search, and will get the names of the people that described themselves as Marketers. If need "AI" HOW COOL IS THAT!
New comment 26d ago
😱OMG the Search Engine here!!😱
2 likes • Aug 10
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Isabelle Directo
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