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Indie App Dev Forum

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4 contributions to Indie App Dev Forum
🚀 APP idea validation challenge starts today! 🎂
Links to the Zoom calls are already available in the calendar. It is my birthday, so I enabled a free 7-day trial for Indie App Accelerator. So you can jump in for this week and have access to all additional resources inside. I don't know how long I will have a free trial enabled. Depends on how many people will come in and how that will impact the community, but it is available today. Plan for this week: - Monday: Generate profitable app ideas (Today!) - Tuesday: Q&A and Support Call - Wednesday: Market research & Validation - Thursday: Know your customer - Friday: No meetings work on customer profile - Saturday: Plan your MVP - Sunday: Take a break and start building on Monday Schedule: - Live sessions at 10 PM (Riga time) - Q&A after each session - Recordings available the next day See you tonight 🚀 Aivars
New comment Nov 9
🚀 APP idea validation challenge starts today! 🎂
1 like • Nov 5
Happy birthday! 🥳🎂
Hello everyone, I’m Yo from Japan
Hello, I’m Yo from Japan🇯🇵. I currently work as a Data Scientist. I used to live in Spain and Sweden :) I usually use Python, SQL, and AWS so I am not familiar with iOS development. But I want to create iOS apps that can make profits because to pursue my dreams in life I need to save money. I love playing boxing, playing saxophone, and reading books. I am looking forward to learning a lot of new things here :) I hope you have a great weekend!
New comment Oct 27
1 like • Oct 21
Hello Yo, Welcome to the group, I am starting to learn from scratch and loving swift (at least for now haha). I use Python/Django, SQL. Good luck! :)
New Release of App
Hi! I've released a second version of my free app for live sound engineers. It calculates the speed of sound and the time delay using temperature, humidity and pressure. This time, I decided to make it more international and improve the plain screenshots. I added US units (feet and °F) and French and German translations. I also used automatic number formatting. I also wanted simple in-app purchases. Just an optional tip jar to get used to the App Store configuration. I'm not expecting much, but it works! In-App Purchases - StoreKit2: Simple StoreView and TransactionObserver class - Products: Small, medium and Large tip Localisation - Language: String Catalog for German and French - Units: Locale Metric or US - Number Formatting: Decimal point vs comma Translation - ChatGPT: Asked for translations in an app context. E.g. 'Done', 'Close'. Screenshots - Used free version (allows 1 project) - Video (Not working) - Used iMovie to convert simulator mp4 to the correct resolution - Did not process in Connect correctly. Said audio corrupted but there was no audio. - I will try again
New comment Nov 2
New Release of App
1 like • Oct 21
It looks great Marcus, congrats! :)
Hi everyone
Hi there, Nice meeting all of you. My name is Irene and I am from Spain. My experience in iOS is zero, but fortunately I am familiar with python, so code is not totally foreign to me. Here is my setup and my literal first xcode introduction 🙃 I cannot wait to see what I am capable of doing. Thank you for the invitation and have a great week!
New comment Oct 17
Hi everyone
0 likes • Oct 17
@Kevin Chromik Hi Kevin, honestly I went along with UIKit because it's what the teacher uses in the udemy course I am following (iOS & Swift by Angela Yu) I realised that it's a bit outdated. If you or somebody else has suggestions for resources, please, send them my way. Have a great day :)
1-4 of 4
Irene Antelo
3points to level up
Hey :) Irene here. I have experience with python and some web development but totally new to mobile. I hope to catch up in a few months. 🐺

Active 9d ago
Joined Oct 13, 2024
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