Redtail Status, Categories, Workflows/Triggers
I am relatively new to the financial industry (1 year) but have decades of use and setup of the legal field's CRM systems. I've been refining our office's contact list structure so that Status is largely Active, Inactive, Deceased, and Category then sets out the multitude of rolls/categories (e.g., Prospect, Spouse of Prospect, [A-E] Clients, Spouse of Client, Vendor, etc.). I'm now looking to set up workflows and triggering events and am absolutely mystified that "Contact Category Changed" is not available as a Trigger Event. Is there a workaround I've not yet found/considered, or am I going to have to abandon the idea of some of these workflow triggering events or maybe even change my approach? (I plan to check on the make suggestion option to Redtail's developers, but am not holding out much hope, given my experience that such changes/enhancements are, at best, slow to happen.)