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18 contributions to LTC Ashram
Love to all today
Hi community. Today is my 55 birthday. And I wish you, that are with me, blessings Love and light. May all beings be happy.💕🌞🧚‍♀️
New comment Apr 7
3 likes • Apr 3
Have a blessed Birthday Noa 🥰
How do you experience the Peace of God in your life?
Comment below and share how you experience the Peace of God in your life! If you want to do a little Activation Statement... Share with us where you want more Peace of God in your life!
Complete action
New comment Mar 6
7 likes • Nov '23
When I'm not aligned, I notice I'm trudging along like moving through jello and thoughts link "I don't belong here" are entertained - not happily! The Peace of God is the stillness within that bathes my heart, clears my vision and guides/empowers my actions. Then my experience is less difference between the 'inside' and the 'outside'
7 likes • Mar 3
Just what I needed to hear right now. I join you and ALL in breathing in God's peace 🙏
Lesson 53
Today we will review the following: 11) My meaningless thoughts are showing me a meaningless world.** ²Since the thoughts of which I am aware do not mean anything, the world that pictures them can have no meaning. ³What is producing this world is insane, and so is what it produces. ⁴Reality is not insane, and I have real thoughts as well as insane ones. ⁵I can therefore see a real world, if I look to my real thoughts as my guide for seeing. ( 12) **I am upset because I see a meaningless world.** ²Insane thoughts are upsetting. ³They produce a world in which there is no order anywhere. ⁴Only chaos rules a world that represents chaotic thinking, and chaos has no laws. ⁵I cannot live in peace in such a world. ⁶I am grateful that this world is not real, and that I need not see it at all unless I choose to value it. ⁷And I do not choose to value what is totally insane and has no meaning. 13) **A meaningless world engenders fear.** ²The totally insane engenders fear because it is completely undependable, and offers no grounds for trust. ³Nothing in madness is dependable. ⁴It holds out no safety and no hope. ⁵But such a world is not real. ⁶I have given it the illusion of reality, and have suffered from my belief in it. ⁷Now I choose to withdraw this belief, and place my trust in reality. ⁸In choosing this, I will escape all the effects of the world of fear, because I am acknowledging that it does not exist. 14) **God did not create a meaningless world.** ²How can a meaningless world exist if God did not create it? ³He is the Source of all meaning, and everything that is real is in His Mind. ⁴It is in my mind too, because He created it with me. ⁵Why should I continue to suffer from the effects of my own insane thoughts, when the perfection of creation is my home? ⁶Let me remember the power of my decision, and recognize where I really abide. 15) **My thoughts are images that I have made.** ²Whatever I see reflects my thoughts. ³It is my thoughts that tell me where I am and what I am. ⁴The fact that I see a world in which there is suffering and loss and death shows me that I am seeing only the representation of my insane thoughts, and am not allowing my real thoughts to cast their beneficent light on what I see. ⁵Yet God’s way is sure. ⁶The images I have made cannot prevail against Him because it is not my will that they do so. ⁷My will is His, and I will place no other gods before Him. (,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5,2:1,2:2,2:3,2:4,2:5,2:6,2:7,3:1,3:2,3:3,3:4,3:5,3:6,3:7,3:8,4:1,4:2,4:3,4:4,4:5,4:6,5:1,5:2,5:3,5:4,5:5,5:6,5:7 | W-53.1:1-5;2:1-7;3:1-8;4:1-6;5:1-7)
New comment Feb 24
2 likes • Feb 24
@Naty Tancio A fav Rumi quote Thanks you for reminding us 🙏
Forgiveness Meditation
I experienced MAL’s forgiveness mediation this morning as a magical portal. Yesterday, I spent a day in the abyss of my ego mind with stories of pain and suffering, hopelessness, helplessness. Mark has a gift with his forgiveness meditations, God moves through him in such a profound way. It reminds me of the transient, fleeting moments I can experience in nature that can never be recreated. I came upon this magical scene of hoary frost a number of days ago and then a few days later it was like it was never there. These beautiful moments and portals are a reminder of Reality and the Kingdom contrasted with the insane ego mind that is choosing to suffer in the present over its past suffering and projecting that into the future. “Reality is never frightening. It is impossible that it could upset me. Reality brings only perfect peace.” Lesson 52.
New comment Feb 24
Forgiveness Meditation
4 likes • Feb 22
Thank you Karyn 🙏I strongly resonate with this truth! 💗
God's Love is in my Breathing
After watching today's Master Class I'm aware of how much subliminal worry I carry around. Worry/fear restricts breathing and withholds life force. As much as I love yoga and breathwork, I still notice a default mode of constricted breathing whenever I'm doing without Being. It's a subtle, tricky way the ego convinces me to continue to carrying the burden of worry 'to keep me safe' . This keeps the illusion of the separate self alive — and is very exhausting! Today I forgive myself for believing in worry as real and necessary. I offer up the illusion/burden of trying to live life as a separate self full of fear. I breath in and out God's Love. It fills me, lifts me up and is who I AM
New comment Feb 17
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Hilary Nicholls
66points to level up
Holistic DC & Life Transitions Coach So happy to be joining this inspiring heart-centered group!

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