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Guided Forgiveness Meditation is happening in 4 days
Lesson 356 Sickness is but another name for sin. Healing is but another name for God. The miracle is thus a call to Him.
Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to You. ²It does not matter where he is, what seems to be his problem, nor what he believes he has become. ³He is Your Son, and You will answer him. ⁴The miracle reflects Your Love, and thus it answers him. ⁵Your Name replaces every thought of sin, and who is sinless cannot suffer pain. ⁶Your Name gives answer to Your Son, because to call Your Name is but to call his own. (
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Forgiveness sign
found this on amazon.
Forgiveness sign
Lesson 355 There is no end to all the peace and joy, and all the miracles that I will give, when I accept God’s Word. Why not today?
Why should I wait, my Father, for the joy You promised me? ²For You will keep Your Word You gave Your Son in exile. ³I am sure my treasure waits for me, and I need but reach out my hand to find it. ⁴Even now my fingers touch it. ⁵It is very close. ⁶I need not wait an instant more to be at peace forever. ⁷It is You I choose, and my Identity along with You. ⁸Your Son would be Himself, and know You as his Father and Creator, and his Love. (
Lesson 354 We stand together, Christ and I, in peace and certainty of purpose. And in Him is His Creator, as He is in me.
My oneness with the Christ establishes me as Your Son, beyond the reach of time, and wholly free of every law but Yours. ²I have no self except the Christ in me. ³I have no purpose but His Own. ⁴And He is like His Father. ⁵Thus must I be one with You as well as Him. ⁶For who is Christ except Your Son as You created Him? ⁷And what am I except the Christ in me? (
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