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5 contributions to Inside Out Marketing (FREE)
My start up expereince
I decided to try dropshipping 2024. The first product I did I manage to get 1.3k in sales but had bad quality control so I decided to end that store. Had another store running and was 70% profitable but didn't convert well so I decided to close it as well with 600 dlls in sales. Now This month I was able to hit my first 1k day and 2k day. So far I almost hit 5k in sales which is insane for me. I have done everything organic. Don't waste money on ads if you don't know how they work and if you don't have the money to do so. TRY ORGANIC CONTENT! With organic content the only thing you can waste is time but if you put the time and effort on your videos you will make it! Try different products at the same time and one tip I can give you is to not create website until you see that your content is working and people start asking where to buy. Save that money and time and wait for the right time to make the step to make the website. For all those who don't like to pay for a sourcing supplier and what to be able to fulfill orders fast and easy try CJ Dropshipping they have alright shipping times and is easy to use and the best part is that is free! If you are in this journey just put the time in to it. I am no expert but I like to help others so if you have questions please comment and I will try to answer. 😃(free to dm)
4 Figure Growth with $0 Ad Spend
Case Study Intro I'm posting this case study for people to see how a dropshipping ecommerce store can grow organically and generate sales, without spending any money on ads. This dropshipping store also doesn't do any social media marketing, email marketing, or influencer marketing. In the future I may incorporate one or all of these other funnels. This store started to see a steady increase in visitors in June due to the following: - SEO - Content - generating useful, important, authoritative, highly-sought after content - Links - getting links from other websites pointed to your store In this screenshot you can see how the number of visitors and sessions was around the same from January to May, and started to rise steadily in June to present day:
4 Figure Growth with $0 Ad Spend
First 1k after months of no sales
I started off drop shipping with a very naive perspective. (Like most people do) I'm 20 years old and I wanted to learn an online money-making skill. So when I first started, I thought of this as a side hustle, a cute gimmick. I watched trash youtubers and consumed trash content. I really fell for the glamorised *fake* side of drop shipping and ecommerce. I was rudely awakened a couple months in when I thought I knew a lot but was making 0 sales, burning money on ads, I tried to blame Facebook ads, I thought maybe I was unlucky. However, that was not the case, it was really just my incompetence, no beginner should expect to make any revenue within their first few months, especially someone with no business experience. I had a choice, I could either be like most people who give up at this stage and say e-commerce is dead (it never will be). Or I could just keep going, learn from my mistakes, and seek out advice. So, I made a promise to not give up and keep going with my journey, with the help of a more experienced guy I had found on reddit, I took a step back and re learnt everything the right way, applied his lessons, worked super hard for 6 weeks, then started running ads. The rest is history, I've been pleasantly surprised to see a steady wave of sales coming in, my profit margins aren't great at all, but this is something that can improved on, just happy to finally see some sales coming in. The next step for me is becoming profitable and improving my roas. So just a message to all the beginners, don't watch gimmicky youtubers, treat drop shipping like a legitimate business model, and seek guidance from more experienced individuals. Provide real value to customers. This is a difficult journey but if you stick to the path you will be rewarded.
New comment 11d ago
First 1k after months of no sales
0 likes • 11d
@Hamid Haghdust I run both and have great result from both And you?
Different approach To Ecommerce
I started dropshipping in 2017 and just recently decided to stop last month. In the beginning, I faced several challenges and spent a lot on advertising through Facebook, Google, and other platforms without much success. However, once I changed my marketing strategy, the sales began to flow steadily. I was consistently making 500 to 800 sales a month, providing a stable income, but I decided to stop and open a physical store instead. The main reason I stopped was that I struggled with handling customer complaints and found it exhausting to follow up with vendors individually. Here’s what I did differently: I moved away from Shopify and traditional dropshipping websites and created my own private website that looks stunning and professional. I completely stopped online advertising and took a different approach. I targeted customers from Walmart, Kroger, and Best Buy by gathering specific lists of their shoppers. (This information is accessible if you know where to look.) I collected a total of 500,000 emails and direct WhatsApp numbers of potential customers. I then crafted compelling offer campaigns and sent them out via WhatsApp and email, ensuring the messages weren’t spammy but intriguing enough to encourage people to click on my link or scan a barcode out of curiosity. It took me about two months to start seeing the results, but it was worth it. I would recommend following a similar approach and stop wasting money on online ads.
Meta Ads and Google Ads?
Have been implementing both and its getting me massive result so am curious to know Does it happen generally? Which is more preferable between Meta Ads and Google Ads?
New comment 20d ago
0 likes • 20d
@Cenndra Saami Do you aslo run ads?
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Maelys'N' Devany
13points to level up
Focus on discovering potential for growth

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Joined Aug 29, 2024
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