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The BOSS Movement

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3 contributions to The BOSS Movement
How much is imposter syndrome costing your career?
It is reported that up to 70% of corporate career women will experience imposter syndrome. But why should we even care? Because imposter syndrome could be costing your career advancement and you don't even know it! Most women think that the reason they haven't landed a leadership promotion is because - they don't have that MBA - they don't have the experience - they don't have the likeability factor Whilst these factors could play a role in your career advancement, for most high-achieving women, it's hardly about your skillset and more about your mindset. And self doubt could be the biggest factor that's holding you back from your fullest potential. So, how much do you think imposter syndrome is costing us as women in corporate careers? What can we do about it? And what's the #1 CURE For it? Listen to more on my take in the latest podcast episode No 108 which you can find on your favourite podcast listening app 🎧 Apple Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher In the meantime, I'd love to hear your views below 👇🏽 How often do you experience imposter syndrome?
New comment Nov '23
How much is imposter syndrome costing your career?
1 like • Nov '23
The hypothesis I have, based on my own experience, is low self esteem. I do have high academical qualifications and experience, just feel as not good as the people in higher positions. But I started to change that, by investing in my personal growth to finally get rid of bad feelings.
🤔 Would you challenge the terms of a promotion offer?
I wish this was a straight-forward discussion because I see our male counterparts doing this so well. But unfortunately it isn't. And there are statistics to back this up: Women will generally accept the first offer they receive, in comparison to men who will negotiate almost anything to do with the offer: - pay progression - path to the promotion - additional support, e.g. more team hires I'd love to hear your views on whether you would say YES to the first offer you get upon a promotion/new job offer? If so, what's the best way to do so without looking like a complainer? If not, WHY? Listen to more on my take in the latest podcast episode No 106 which you can find on your favourite podcast listening app 🎧 Apple Spotify Google Podcasts Stitcher
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
I always reply positive to the first job offer without hesitation. The fact behind that is low self esteem and a deep feeling that's good enough for me. In other words, I defined that I don't deserve more than that.
Ever been told you're too nice to become a leader?
This episode is all about busting the MISCONCEPTION that nice girls don't get the corner office (don't worry, I've read the book and there are some good points in there). Find it here on iTunes or here on Spotify. True story, just this week someone told me I was too nice for leadership. That person didn't know that a few hours before, a CEO offered me his job... In this episode, you will learn: - why your kindness makes you a perfect match for leadership - how to be nice and be an exceptional leader - the kind of leadership that people are craving right now So what's your view? Does kindness or being perceived to be soft affect one's ability to lead with impact?
6 members have voted
New comment Nov '23
Ever been told you're too nice to become a leader?
2 likes • Nov '23
Be seeing as nice or king to others is often seen as a weakness rather that a strength. I had myself experienced that and often people take advantage of yourself, because beside being kind is confused with a naïve person, which is not the case.
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Giuliana Costa
1point to level up
My name is Giuliana Costa, born in Brazil and permanent residence of South Africa with over 10 years living in Africa.

Active 397d ago
Joined Oct 23, 2023
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