So I’ve got another girls number today and one thing that usually works for me is a conversation starter, complement, and then their number. So when you start a conversation you look for something they’re doing ( gym, how many sets does she have left) ( coffee, where did she get the coffee from) etc. then they answer. After they answer you can say something else or you can just tell them “ thank you, but honestly I just thought you were really pretty and wanted to talk to you” she’s gunna say thank you or something like that. After you can do small talk like “where’s she’s from” or “what she has planned for the rest of the day”. If she says she has a boyfriend or she’s not interested be okay with that. Simply tell her “no worries, take it as a compliment and enjoy the rest of your day” Seth does this a lot and I’ve picked up this strategy from him and it seems to help me a lot