Sorry this is a bit long. Does anyone else find that Fabric is a little less stable than you would expect? I've been working with Fabric for the past few months. I see it as the ideal tool to answer our data extraction and reporting needs. Initially I was using a trial capacity as a proof of concept. There were a few issues there that I put down to the fact that I was using trial and not paid for capacity. The proof of concept passed and I bought some F2 capacity. We are small and will not be putting much load on the platform after I get everything set up. The first thing I noted on moving from trial capacity is that there is no way to bundle everything you've done and bring it to another workspace. I put this down to Fabric not being a fully finished product, which it clearly is not. Bummer. So I recreated everything again on my development workspace. Took me a week. There were existing reports in this workspace published directly from Power BI Desktop. When I overburdened the F2 capacity of this workspace, these wouldn't run either, even though the contained no "Fabric" specific elements. So bad idea to mix Fabric and non-Fabric elements in the one workspace. I created another workspace solely for Fabric development. Another move. But this time I had the deployment pipeline. That should make things easier. No. It doesn't move Gen 2 Dataflows. It moves data pipelines but leaves dataflow steps pointing at the dataflows in the previous workspace. To correct this is as much work as to create them new. Once I had everything moved I deleted everything from the Power BI workspace that had anything to do with Fabric, so that I could remove the Fabric capacity from it. However, one dataflow was left in "publishing" mode. For 5 days. Never moved to refreshing mode. I eventually had to raise a support ticket and delete the thing using an API call. Onto my current F2 development environment. I started running into performance issues immediately. I downloaded the Fabric Metrics App. Apart from not understanding any of the graphs, it only shows what happened up to midnight on the previous day. I need something that shows me what's eating all my capacity now and allows me stop or pause it if I need something else to run. And it needs to be easy to understand.