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5 contributions to Learn Microsoft Fabric
Connect to separate Dynamics 365 accounts
Hi, I am using Gen 2 Dataflows to extract data from our Dynamics 365 application. We use Dynamics 365 in two separate sites, US and Spain. My problem is that these are not on the same domain. They have been set up under different domains. Spain uses whereas the US uses I have no problem getting a connection to either one from Fabric. However, I cannot connect to both. I have set up two dataflows, one for US and one for Spain. If I put in the correct credentials for the US it changes the credentials on the dataflow for Spain. This causes it to fail. The opposite is also true. Is it possible to overcome this problem? Thanks, Fergus
New comment 15d ago
Is Fabric "flakey"?
Sorry this is a bit long. Does anyone else find that Fabric is a little less stable than you would expect? I've been working with Fabric for the past few months. I see it as the ideal tool to answer our data extraction and reporting needs. Initially I was using a trial capacity as a proof of concept. There were a few issues there that I put down to the fact that I was using trial and not paid for capacity. The proof of concept passed and I bought some F2 capacity. We are small and will not be putting much load on the platform after I get everything set up. The first thing I noted on moving from trial capacity is that there is no way to bundle everything you've done and bring it to another workspace. I put this down to Fabric not being a fully finished product, which it clearly is not. Bummer. So I recreated everything again on my development workspace. Took me a week. There were existing reports in this workspace published directly from Power BI Desktop. When I overburdened the F2 capacity of this workspace, these wouldn't run either, even though the contained no "Fabric" specific elements. So bad idea to mix Fabric and non-Fabric elements in the one workspace. I created another workspace solely for Fabric development. Another move. But this time I had the deployment pipeline. That should make things easier. No. It doesn't move Gen 2 Dataflows. It moves data pipelines but leaves dataflow steps pointing at the dataflows in the previous workspace. To correct this is as much work as to create them new. Once I had everything moved I deleted everything from the Power BI workspace that had anything to do with Fabric, so that I could remove the Fabric capacity from it. However, one dataflow was left in "publishing" mode. For 5 days. Never moved to refreshing mode. I eventually had to raise a support ticket and delete the thing using an API call. Onto my current F2 development environment. I started running into performance issues immediately. I downloaded the Fabric Metrics App. Apart from not understanding any of the graphs, it only shows what happened up to midnight on the previous day. I need something that shows me what's eating all my capacity now and allows me stop or pause it if I need something else to run. And it needs to be easy to understand.
New comment Sep 30
1 like β€’ Sep 30
Will, Thanks for the response. The issue I had on Thursday and Friday last week, which prompted this note, has miraculously disappeared. Something I've noticed with other issues that arise. They get sorted within a few days. You could be right about big feature releases and instability and then the following tidy up. And to clarify on the workspace. I was moving the development from "My Workspace" to a dedicated Fabric development workspace. I didn't want development to continue on "My Workspace". Fergus
Move workspace contents
Hi, I've been testing Fabric on my own workspace and I'm quite happy with the results. We have purchased Fabric capacity and applied it to our dev and production workspaces. Most of what I developed in testing will be used for our live environment. My question is how do I move all the content (dataflows, databases, pipelines, etc) from one workspace to another? I do not want to overwrite the dev and production workspaces as they are currently in us. I thought I could package up the contents of My Workspace and then just import them into another workspace but I haven't found a way of doing this. Am I missing something? Thanks, Fergus
New comment Sep 10
0 likes β€’ Sep 10
Thanks for your feedback Jeroen. I guess it's another one of those things that Microsoft just hasn't got around to.
Enterprise ETL/ELT with T-SQL (Microsoft Article)
Microsoft have dropped a pretty lengthy article today that I think many of you will find interesting: Read here: Mastering Enterprise T-SQL ETL/ELT: A Guide with Data Warehouse and Fabric Pipelines Think I might have to replicate this for a video πŸ‘€
New comment Jul 5
2 likes β€’ Jun 24
This article is very timely for us. I'm still at the trialing stage for Fabric and looking at the different possibilities for implementing our ETL solutions. I lean towards the warehouse and t-sql methods simply because of in-house skillsets. I don't need or have the time to be learning about notebooks and Spark if I don't have to. This article provides a good approach for us.
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New comment 5h ago
1 like β€’ May 28
Hi, saw Will's video tutorials online and thought they were some of the best I'd seen (on any topic). I develop Power BI dashboards for my company and have often thought there is something missing. That something seems to be the Fabric toolset. Hoping to learn as much as I can about it. Fergus
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Fergus Tuomey
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Helping companies get the most from their data

Active 14d ago
Joined May 27, 2024
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