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The 4D Copywriting Community

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11 contributions to The 4D Copywriting Community
any heros
need a hero to save the day 😅 review my two copies, one value email the other promo email looking to put them in my portfolio so please give the best feedback. thank you, Value email: Promo Email:
New comment 6d ago
any heros
0 likes • 6d
Change access pls
PLZ PLZ review my copy, I'll review your(honest)
SL:- Business may not be the best path to wealth. Many dream of the glamorous lifestyle flexed by dropouts and celebrities on social media. Thinking that starting a random business or getting a job is the ticket to wealth. But …… this mindset often holds them back. Instead of the exhausting cycle of early mornings, long workdays, and unfulfilling routines, consider a new approach. It’s time to break free from working hard for little pay, only to find yourself still struggling years later. As The Rock said, "Day one or one day, the choice is yours." Make today your Day One with my revolutionary method. This superior system requires no upfront money and minimal time, focusing on smart work over hard work. I’ve created a blueprint to start from $0 and build wealth with almost no risk. Learn multiple ways to make money and grow your earnings, working just a few hours a day. There are only a few slots left this month, so seize this opportunity now. Choose your path, master the skill, and start your journey to wealth today. If you want access, Click here to stop wasting time in finding small jobs. (Sign-off)
New comment 5d ago
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- You haven't even said what the course is about. Be specific - Drop shipping? Amazon FBA? - You haven't given any reasons to convince me to buy the course. - Haven't given the reader much value/reason to trust you.
When creating a calorie deficit, there's a lot of bad information out there.. And most people don't really have a clear idea of how do this properly... But in this email, im going to tell you few things that can help you in your process to lose weight... You see, I also was struggling in my calorie deficit since I wasn't seeing any result of losing weight... I wanted to lose weight fast. So I searched for years all reasons why it wasn't working? And I have found few ones that nobody are telling you.. But its about to change because your are one step ahead of knowing why your are not getting closer to the body you want... HERE THEY ARE : 1.Your calorie deficit is actually a moving target. Let me explain, you see when you're losing fat by consuming less food and exercising,your body will start to adapt at some point... Which will result in you not losing weight anymore... When you are losing body mass, your body will start to adapt to the amount of calories deficit your are eating... That's why you will have to reduce your calories more as time passes by with your weight loss journey... 2.Is that you're eating back the extra calorie you've burned.. When you did a hard day for cardio and that you have burn more calories than usual... Your smart watch will tell you that you've earned an extra few more calories to eat than regularly... But its where people make fault as they eat back the extra calories they burn on this intensive cardio day. Then why did they even bother to make this cardio day where their main goal is to lose weight... 3.You will have to be discipline and consistent. " CONSISTENCY COMPOUND" When you start your weight loss journey, you will not see result happen in days or weeks... Result will occur in months or maybe in years... This is why you will have to stay discipline all the time and go to the gym and stay in your calorie deficit whether you are ; unmotivated, sad or feeling lazy... To live the life you want, ACTIONS is required...
New comment 6d ago
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- No need to put ... after so many lines in a row. - Introduction/first few lines seem to drag out.
FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT: DO NOT CREATE NEW POSTS OR THREADS IN OTHER CHATS ASKING PEOPLE TO SUBMIT THEIR COPY. YOU WILL GET BANNED. WE KEEP THINGS ORGANIZED. From now on, Every week or so I will create a new post like this and you can submit your copy or outreach in the comments below. Other people will still be able to review it, And you can still leave comments to each other, While we make everything more organized. Here is the template for how you should share your copy: "<type of copy> in <niche>: <link>" Example: 3 Emails in the fitness niche: <link> Here is the template for how you should share your outreach: "<type of outreach>: <link>" Example: Instagram DM outreach: <link> Now share your copy and outreach in the comments below until the end of the week, And make sure you come here to review other people's copy & outreach as well! That's it for this update. Costin.
New comment 12m ago
0 likes • 6d
@Jevonn Thomas Please change access to editor so I can comment.
1 like • 6d
@Serenity Bendix I've left a few suggestions. I think the email is a bit short, and comes across as too salesy. Try to come across a bit more casual. What is the aim of this email? Figure out a structure and how you want to effect the reader.
How much practice before I start outreaching
I've done 3 pieces of copy as practice and posted them here/discords. I know I am not going to be the best, but I am happy to properly start outreaching to actual clients. I want to avoid getting stuck just practicing and perfecting stuff, like I have done with many hobbies before. I want to learn by experience, so what is the minimum amount of practice/knowledge I should do before starting properly?
New comment 13d ago
0 likes • 13d
@Daniel S Thanks, I was thinking this. What kind of offer should I suggest going with? I had a few thoughts: - Offer 2 weeks of 3 emails a week, so they can see the effect of my work. Then after 2 weeks, exchange 3 emails a week for 15% of email conversion commission (low risk for them). Or is a flat rate of £x per week/month for 3 emails a week better to ask for? If I go for a commission approach, how would it be monitored how much of their revenue comes from my emails? Would they have some sort of metric on their email system? Would they usually give me access to this?
0 likes • 13d
@Daniel S I see people talking about 30 minute calls? What am I supposed to say for that long? If I give a brief explanation of what I can do then start asking them about what they are currently doing and what they need, then I feel like that would take 5-10 minutes only. Should I be talking more?
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Ethan Lo
14points to level up

Active 6d ago
Joined Jun 6, 2024
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