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Quantum Coaches (Free)

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7 contributions to Quantum Coaches (Free)
πŸ’Ž Promote Your Work Post πŸ’Ž
I know that we have some AMAZING healers, experts and professionals in here and I'd love to create a thread where you can promote what it is you do and share your links and offers with everyone in this group. I know there are a few people in here that I want to hire to help me get my next level health on and I am sure that I'm not the only one thinking that. So here is the deal. This post is going to become like a directory of all the awesome people in here and can be a source of new clients for you. So in the Comments of this post please share... 1) A bit about YOU 2) A bit about WHO and HOW you help 3) A Special Offer, Freebie or something of Value 4) Any social links you want to include 5) A Pic of you... I will go first in the comments! Think we can 50% of this community to write on this post? Share your offers and tag a friend!
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New comment 11d ago
πŸ’Ž Promote Your Work Post πŸ’Ž
1 like β€’ Jul 9
@Emilie White living the dream! πŸ”
3 likes β€’ Jul 18
Hi Everyone! I’m Esther, a therapist and mystic divine feminine! I love that. I realized taking so long to launch my website and offerings had a lot to do with fear, and kept me on a wheel of not knowing where to start. So, with that…I have started! I found an amazing site, Paperwell, that allows me to have a basic place to offer sessions and other things, as well as a booking calendar and payment system. It will act as a temporary service place where people can book a session and help me build my community. In the meantime, I’ll keep working on my overall site, and online community platform. The best way to get started is to start! Here is the link: Please have a look, and share any feedback you might have where I can tweak and improve. My free offering for now, are workshops and group drop ins starting in August. My guide book is well under way!
We Are Closed.
Today I closed the doors for the first time to Our New Earth Health Coaches Community... πŸŽ‰ Today I was also notified that we are now in the Top 20 Communities OF ALL TIME on Skool πŸ‘‘ And now have a crown on my profile as a top 1% Community Builder So why did we close our paid community? Well, first... one of the reasons we are in the top 20 is because we have a lower than normal Churn Rate. What is a churn rate? The churn rate is the percentage of subscribers who discontinue service subscriptions within a given time. and for the last few months we have more people joining our community than leaving every month. Why Does that matter? Because we are creating a community so awesome that people feel silly leaving. They Get Coaching, Community, Step by Step Courses and a CRM system all for less than $10 a day. We closed the doors for the next 4-6 weeks because of the 30 Day Content Challenge we are running. It's more than a content challenge. It's a community building experience. It's a self development and self leadership challenge. ... and we did not want people coming into the container half way through. Our Community is so awesome... and this Health Coach Community is an extension of our paid community. I wanted to let you all know that 1) I have got some awesome content coming your way over the next month and... 2) I've already had a couple people ask if they can still get in to the Content Challenge - but the doors are now closed. 3) If you want to be notified when we open the doors to our community again you can join the waitlist Here πŸ‘‰πŸΌ Grateful for this community! Happy Monday Homies! Have an awesome week! PS. While these doors are closed... We are opening the doors for 12 Coaches who want to join my 1:1 Inner Circle and learn how to build this kind of a coaching business for themselves... fast. If you want the details on how to apply for that comment "IC" below and Ill shoot you the details
New comment Jul 18
We Are Closed.
1 like β€’ Jul 18
Congrats! πŸ₯³
30 Day Content & Flow Challenge - Starts July 15th
MAKE SURE TO COMMENT FLOW ON THIS POST IF YOU WANT THE DETAILS πŸ‘‡πŸΌ Before I figured out how to run ads I grew my business to $200k/yr from my organic content πŸ˜… Since running ads... I've learned a lot about creating content that actually converts... Without spending hours creating it ⬇️ πŸ’Ž Hooks: Learning how to stand out in a 3 second world is vital for capturing attention and attracting ideal clients towards you. But writing a good hook is as simple as following a proven template and should not take longer than 1 minute per post. πŸ’Ž Captions: This is where I see people spending WAY too much time... why? they have no proven framework. This post right here is a framework. It's called the TEACHER framework... why? Because I am teaching something. Imagine how much faster you could create if you had a simple formula to follow. πŸ’Ž Creatives: You have Reels, Posts & Carousels. 10 Pictures. 10 short videos. 10 screen shots of your notes app. and there you have a month worth of content. It can be simple.... we over complicate things. Simple not only scales... But people love simplicity and authenticity. πŸ’Ž Flow: Creating a system that aligns for you, based on your energy and your lifestyle so that you can create from a state of FLOW is essential if you want to be consistent. Creating Content gets to FEEL light AND actually Convert. (nothing worse than creating a ton of content with zero conversions) NO MORE.⬇️ ❌ Expensive video editors ❌ Crickets on your posts ❌ Wasting Hours of your life ❌ Not converting your content into calls, clients and cash Welcome to the world of Creative Flow πŸ‘πŸ½ πŸ”₯ I’m putting together a 30 day Content & Flow Challenge for our Community that will show you how to... βœ… Plan βœ… Create βœ… Systemize βœ… and Convert Consumers of content into paying clients We start on July 15th. If you want to join us comment FLOW in the comments and me or Gustavo will send you the details. It's going to be fun, you'll grow your audience and convert clients! Comment FLOW for the details.
New comment Jul 18
30 Day Content & Flow Challenge - Starts July 15th
3 likes β€’ Jul 2
0 likes β€’ Jul 9
@Dan Harrison thank you!
πŸ’Ž Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸ’Ž
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and who do you work with? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of your office space or where you like to do work from. I'll go first... #1 - My name is Dan Harrison, I am a former CFP (Finance) turned online entrepreneur, course creator and mentor to health and wellness professionals. I just moved to Kelowna BC, from Mexico (literally last weekend) after living in Puerto Vallarta for the last 15 months. #2 - What I want out of this community is to be of the utmost service... I want to connect with new friends, I want to serve our existing clients and I want to help people expand their impact, their belief in themselves and about what is possible in terms of generating cash flow and I want to have a ton of fun! #3 - For fun... I mean... I do things like this. lol... my work is fun for me ... but when I am not working I love hanging with my family, playing guitar, surfing, wakeboarding and having deep conversations with my mens group and close friends. #4... Ok this is a brand new office space since we just moved back from Mexico and is not fully operational yet... but it is functional... so pretty excited about that. Let's gooooo!
New comment 1d ago
πŸ’Ž Welcome!  Please Introduce Yourself :) πŸ’Ž
5 likes β€’ Jul 8
Hi everyone! My name is Esther and I’m a pre-licensed psychotherapist and registered social service worker. I also just recently received my degree (at 47 years old!) in human relations and spirituality. I’m tossing all that together and fusing psychology, ancient teachings, and spirituality to build a community, specifically for biological women experiencing abusive relationships and infidelity. Through online programs, events, and one on one sessions my offerings support women in traversing the space between losing their mind and finding their soul. I’m hoping to learn a few tricks, and meet some beautiful like minded people who are tapping into this crazy shift happening on the planet, and also answering the call to a life of service. I love animals, pink polish on my toes, and have an unhealthy obsession with decorative pillows. So, hey everyone!
0 likes β€’ Jul 8
@Arnold Killian thank you! πŸ™
The Mini Course Method Workshop - Are you Coming?
Learning how to create simple, engaging courses and trainings is one skill that can completely transform your life and business. I use this skill almost every day. I even created a mini course for my wife and the house manager that we hired. I thought through the roles and tasks, made a couple lists and cheatsheets and shot a video explaining it all. I am estimated that course took me 3 hours to create in total and is going to give me 10 hours of my life back every week PLUS... my wife is going to be infinitely more happy that she has more help around the house. Creating courses is an entire way of thinking and when you learn how to do it right you can not only get a TON of your time back but you can make a real impact in the lives of the people that you work with. I am going to teach you the method I've used to create 100's of trainings and built a business that does $50k+ per month and only requires about 10 hours of client delivery work each week. How did I do it? With the Mini Course Method. Looking forward to sharing this with you all - Comment below for the link
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New comment Jul 12
The Mini Course Method Workshop - Are you Coming?
1 like β€’ Jul 8
Thank you πŸ™
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Destiny has summoned me to a life of service to self and others. Here I Am.

Active 50d ago
Joined Jun 29, 2024
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