We Are Closed.
Today I closed the doors for the first time to Our New Earth Health Coaches Community...
πŸŽ‰ Today I was also notified that we are now in the Top 20 Communities OF ALL TIME on Skool
πŸ‘‘ And now have a crown on my profile as a top 1% Community Builder
So why did we close our paid community?
Well, first... one of the reasons we are in the top 20 is because we have a lower than normal Churn Rate.
What is a churn rate?
The churn rate is the percentage of subscribers who discontinue service subscriptions within a given time. and for the last few months we have more people joining our community than leaving every month.
Why Does that matter?
Because we are creating a community so awesome that people feel silly leaving.
They Get Coaching, Community, Step by Step Courses and a CRM system all for less than $10 a day.
We closed the doors for the next 4-6 weeks because of the 30 Day Content Challenge we are running.
It's more than a content challenge.
It's a community building experience.
It's a self development and self leadership challenge.
... and we did not want people coming into the container half way through.
Our Community is so awesome...
and this Health Coach Community is an extension of our paid community.
I wanted to let you all know that
1) I have got some awesome content coming your way over the next month and...
2) I've already had a couple people ask if they can still get in to the Content Challenge - but the doors are now closed.
3) If you want to be notified when we open the doors to our community again you can join the waitlist Here πŸ‘‰πŸΌ https://www.skool.com/soulful-selling-machine-8293/about
Grateful for this community!
Happy Monday Homies!
Have an awesome week!
PS. While these doors are closed... We are opening the doors for 12 Coaches who want to join my 1:1 Inner Circle and learn how to build this kind of a coaching business for themselves... fast.
If you want the details on how to apply for that comment "IC" below and Ill shoot you the details
Dan Harrison
We Are Closed.
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