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I just created a Millionaire Hypnosis.
DM me "HYPNOSIS" & I'll explain how to get it so you can hypnotize yourself into riches. 28 people have already used it with great experiences...
New comment Nov '23
I just created a Millionaire Hypnosis.
3 likes • Oct '23
What are you aspiring to share with the world?
Hi everyone! I just signed up to contentpreneurship, and I'm really curious to know the ideas that are fueling everyone's purpose in their content sharing and online venture journey. Comment below!
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
@Mitali Deypurkaystha I find that very inspiring. I feel like in the day and age we live, we have a lot of great speakers, influencers, story-tellers, and comparatively much less of listeners and individuals that hold the space for others to take the spotlight. Do you also have / are you considering to start a podcast?
1 like • May '23
@Thomas Garbarino amazing, curious to hear your journey Thomas :)
Niching down in the health space
Hi everyone! Is anyone here focused on healing / health? Did you start out with offering to help people heal any ailment, or did you target a certain ailment/disease (e.g. Acne, PCOS, etc.)? I’m currently brainstorming my offer and was wondering what others’ experience might be starting out.
New comment Jun '23
2 likes • May '23
@Samir Branchet thanks! yeap that's what I've decided to do as well :)
1 like • May '23
@Samir Branchet I went for "helping women that are struggling with acne clear their skin" and I'm actually even thinking of specifying it further to "helping women with PCOS that are struggling with acne clear their skin" What do you think?
Humble Greetings
What's your nickname? Stone-Ra (Just made it up) Where you from? San Francisco Bay Area Biggest strength? Persistance/dedication, Attention to detail, Hard working, Passionate, peaceful Biggest weakness? Consistency towards goals, overworking/too busy, prioritization, learning to take risks Which content platform is your favorite? You-Tube What do you want immediate help with inside of this community? How to start a business and create passive income. Create a martial arts and wellness platforms.
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
Welcome @Ralston Gracie! How did you get into martial arts? 🙂
Money is bad!
"Money is bad!" I used to think same thing. 6 years ago I didn't want much money. I didn’t have much money either. I thought I was a good boy. I thought nice people were not supposed to have money. I thought money was evil. For bad people only. But the I noticed something peculiar… Whenever I lived with people who had a lot of money.. I always had more fun with them! They never complained or worried about the cost of living… They had nicer beds that felt better when I slept in them.. Nicer cars that felt better when I drove in them… Nicer clothes that felt better when I wore them… Overall I just felt better hanging out with them. I wanted to become one of them! Then I did some reading and I learned that money is really just a tool. And we can use this tool to do things, get things, and give things. And we can use this tool to protect and help people we love. And we can use this tool to travel around the world And stay at beautiful airbnbs And buy cherimoyas and durians And donate to animal sanctuaries And we can use this tool to have pleasent, blissful experiences with no stress over how much it's going to cost us… And over time I realized that I actually DO want money. And I realized that money isn’t bad at all! I realized that poor people are taught to believe money is bad so the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor! So I studied rich people 📚 And learned how they made their money And the more I studied The more I realized that rich is just a state of mind And when you feel rich, you attract riches And when you feel poor, you stay poor. The actual mechanism/process for obtaining money is merely a byproduct of the mindset Truth is: you can earn money in a billion different ways How I do it is different than anyone else I know It’s completely unique I made it up! But by studying rich people I learned how to think like them, and from these thoughts came new feelings. And it's these feelings that allowed me to craft my own mechanism to attract wealth.
New comment May 24
Money is bad!
2 likes • May '23
@Ted Carr your beliefs about yourself and how the world works is EVERYTHING I've learned. We only get what we believe!
1-10 of 17
26-year-old fruitarian 🍉 flag-football player 🏈 nature lover 🌿 dreamer 💭health coach and business starter 🌱

Active 139d ago
Joined Apr 29, 2023
Datca, Turkey
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