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The Skool Games

Private • 15.1k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 104.5k • Paid


Private • 71 • $1/m

Synthesizer School

Public • 11.2k • Free

Content Academy

Public • 5.2k • Free

Data Alchemy

Public • 16.4k • Free


Private • 57.2k • Free

Learn Business University

Public • 8 • $8/m

Firestarter Media

Private • 18 • Free

5 contributions to Content Academy
Automating Content Creation (Podcast Interview)
Wish you could automate some of your most tedious content creation tasks? Want to streamline your content production? Learn how to simplify your content creation process with automation. I was a guest on the Social Media Examiner. Thanks to @Mitchell Dong (he made the intro) 🙏 btw for those that have asked me to come on their show I'm slowly coming out of my hole (I'll be reaching back out to you). Here were some of the topics! ⏰ Timestamps 00:00 Intro 01:41 About Stephen G. Pope 09:36 The Benefits of Content Automation 13:06 Content Management Systems vs Project Management Tools 21:42 Content Automation Tools 30:42 Leveraging APIs and AI for Advanced Content Automation 39:00 Balancing Content Automation and Human Creativity 44:31 The Speed of Content Automation
New comment 3d ago
Automating Content Creation (Podcast Interview)
2 likes • 6d
Very nice, and congratulations on hitting 5k members!
Are You Humble Enough To Solve Your Own Problems?
In a world where everyone has to put on a persona that they know everything. (Especially in the marketing space) Are you secure enough in what you DO KNOW to ask the other basic questions that you DO NOT? It's hard to solve your problems if you're not first willing to admit you don't know. Or if you're afraid it will make you look, less than. These dynamics create baggage in our heads and keep us stuck. People will judge you (for a split second) when they see your question. But they will forget shortly after. And who really cares anyway what User4563 thinks or says? Either way you'll have the last laugh as you speed past them in the long run.
New comment 11d ago
1 like • 14d
@Stephen G. Pope 100% right. I don't want to admit that fear of looking foolish keeps me from doing a lot of stuff, but it's true.
1 like • 12d
@Stephen G. Pope oh, I'm doing it brother! Love your YouTube channel BTW…
🏆 The #1 Lesson Learned From The Skool Games
(Still have 50% of the month left to go. Currently in 7th place!) The most important thing I've learned from the Skool games is FOCUS. When you wake up each day with a specific goal, it's quite a bit easier to attack the right tasks and ignore everything else. My biggest weakness in business is doing too many things that don't really matter. Oh should I revamp my website, all my funnels, rearrange my courses? (no you shouldn't) Not only does that SLOW you way down, but it can cause overwhelm as well. I'm working REALLY hard on my business right now, almost 24/7, but I'm not overwhelmed. Clients, community, paid communities, etc. But I'm operating at a level that feels good. There is a big difference between feeling tired from a day of focused hard work. And being a wreck and overwhelmed because you're going around in circles. Sadly, there are really only a few things that tend to move your business forward (I say sadly because they aren't always the thing you want to do). But if you can stay focused on them, you have a lot less to do. Then you can just get to work and cross off those high value tasks. So find a way to set new goals each week, each month, goals that matter and that can keep you focused. (or join Skool games) Set realistic goals too, ones that are a bit of a stretch but not impossible. 💪
New comment 17d ago
2 likes • 18d
@Jim Anderton Not easy to do, but you’re right. Multitasking means doing a lot of things and getting nothing accomplished.
The #1 Skill For Building A Community
👉 Letting other people help you 👈 (at least for me, this was the hard skill to develop) I'm kind of the build in private type, solo kind of guy, very independent. The act of building a community is quite foreign to me, I still feel that way now. But what I've learned here in the Content Academy (and also in my new community) is that the real skill for building community is letting people help you. You want people to enjoy the community, stick around, right? The only thing that will really do that is all the people. People will burn through all your course material in minutes. Then what? I mean, you can use the Skool leaderboard and give people access to courses as they engage and get points. But does that REALLY drive the right behavior? People start to game it, and just post to get likes to unlock courses. Something deeper has to be there. You just need that core of 3-5 people that are active to run even a 4000+ community. And another 5-10 that come and go from time to time. That should be your focus, the people—more than trying to burn yourself out creating more and more course material to keep people fed. The truth is most people aren't using that info, instead, how can you actually change their behavior, get them to use the info, and benefit from? That's the key. People need to be progressing in some way to stay with you. And thanks everyone for making this such a great place!! 🙏
New comment 12d ago
0 likes • 22d
@Gen Furukawa Roll Me Up
1 like • 22d
Agreed, but I'm wondering how that would scale. This such an important topic for soooo many reasons that if I can't find a good measuring stick I'm gonna make one! (and share with all of you of course).
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
Hi! Welcome to the Content Academy. This community is designed to help you build a profitable content strategy, efficient team & automated content process. Step 1: Introduce yourself in THIS THREAD below! (✄ copy/paste template 👇) Where are you from? What are you working on? What immediate help do you need? Step 2: Read the rules and checkout our free courses and paid programs
1003 members have voted
New comment 13h ago
Welcome! Introduce Yourself HERE 🔥
6 likes • 26d
I just dropped in to say hello and introduce myself. HELLO!🤓
2 likes • 26d
@Mitchell Dong I'm interested in the combination of workflow automation and content creation of course but also learning about all of the different monetization possibilities inside and outside and on the skool platform. I also am very interested in learning how to create AI driven course material and content that doesn't suck.
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Eric Stevens
39points to level up
Sharpening my ax Building my rocket ship Founder of Future-Proof

Active 2h ago
Joined Jun 8, 2024
Kutaisi, Georgia
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