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71 contributions to Lead Gen Automation Revolution
Accountability Thread - Week#32
Share what you are working on in the comments (copy my format if you want) 👜Here is what I will be working on this week: - Finishing the slides - Creating 1 video (long term form) Last week's incompletions: - YT long term video (created a 1 min vid) - Slides (started working on it) ✨Intention: - To get myself completely out of the way and focus on servicing my clients the best way possible! ❤️Accountability promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I do not complete all of these by Sunday
New comment Nov '23
2 likes • Nov '23
what I’ll be working on would probably be - start working on a website - Work on a content tomorrow - Get enough sleep (I’m literally up late right now) Can’t think of an accountability promise
LinkedIn superpower, what would you pick?
If you could chose a LinkedIn superpower, what would it be? 👇Add the WHY in the comments. If at least 10 people reply to this thread, I will give create a surprise for all those who answered.
17 members have voted
New comment Dec '23
1 like • Nov '23
This is a tough one, but definitely converting all conversations calls (inbound and outbound), and of course, closing them Finding the perfect lead for outbound is pretty difficult too, so I don’t mind having that super power. But tbh, I prefer inbound leads
Share your wins - Week#30
Hello team, share your wins for this week. Mine: - I have stopped caring about my revenue (and it increased) - I have started interviewing SDRs for my opening - I have implemented my new content strategy and I am starting to see results already
New comment Nov '23
Share your wins - Week#30
1 like • Nov '23
Whenever you don’t care about your revenue, that’s when it grows. I guess that’s what I need do too
Accountability Thread - Week#28
Share what you are working on in the comments (copy my format if you want) 👜Here is what I will be working on this week (output goals): - Onboarding new VA - Adding a "referral" email to my sequences Last week's incompletions: - None ✨Intention: - To have a shit ton of fun working on onboarding my new clients as I make them rich beyond their wildest dreams! - To make my lead gen, DM, and content creation process even more fun! ❤️Accountability promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I do not complete all of these by Sunday P.S. I have set up a system for self-accountability as I intend to trust myself like never before. Here are some of the things I am doing: - I do 30 pushups whenever I compare myself to others, and let my emotions influence my day among other things. - I donate $100 to charity whenever I do not keep my word to myself or others or I gossip. This is not punishment, but I intend for my low-vibration actions to have consequences. P.S.S. Balinese dogs' charities are getting richer🤣
New comment Oct '23
1 like • Oct '23
My goal for this week was to finish a few websites I have on my table. I actually planned to finish only one, but I finished 2 Will set another goal for next week
New test: Injecting humor to warm outbound and quick, personalized outbound
Hello Elegants, I am testing 2 new strategies for warm and cold outbound. With warm outbound I am focusing on injecting humor to increase acceptance rate while maintaining effectiveness. With cold outbound I am focusing on making it quick, personalized (efficient) and effective. Want to have the templates? Comment "Humor" to receive them.
New comment Nov '23
New test: Injecting humor to warm outbound and quick, personalized outbound
1 like • Oct '23
1-10 of 71
Enigma Okoto
8points to level up
Scale to 6/7 figures with Sales Systems that help you sign your dream clients in 90 days | Sales Strategist & Consultant for busy founders and execs

Active 101d ago
Joined Jun 29, 2023
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