Accountability Thread - Week#28
Share what you are working on in the comments (copy my format if you want)
👜Here is what I will be working on this week (output goals):
  • Onboarding new VA
  • Adding a "referral" email to my sequences
Last week's incompletions:
  • None
  • To have a shit ton of fun working on onboarding my new clients as I make them rich beyond their wildest dreams!
  • To make my lead gen, DM, and content creation process even more fun!
❤️Accountability promise: I will donate €100 to charity if I do not complete all of these by Sunday
P.S. I have set up a system for self-accountability as I intend to trust myself like never before. Here are some of the things I am doing:
  • I do 30 pushups whenever I compare myself to others, and let my emotions influence my day among other things.
  • I donate $100 to charity whenever I do not keep my word to myself or others or I gossip.
This is not punishment, but I intend for my low-vibration actions to have consequences.
P.S.S. Balinese dogs' charities are getting richer🤣
Stefano Curcio
Accountability Thread - Week#28