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Men of Action Forum

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Is less more?
When it comes to dating is the theme “less is more” the most effective?
New comment 8d ago
1 like • 8d
@Ty Buchanan doing less, trying less, caring less, I guess I mainly mean action wise
Do you guys think women make guys they don’t like earn sex through dates…and freely give sex to guys they actually like?….it feels like a persuasion vs attraction argument
New comment Aug 2
0 likes • Jul 20
@Kyle Mullaney which is the real reasoning behind why women actually cheat? They already have what they need but won’t pass up any opportunities at having what they want
1 like • Jul 24
@Jason Cool that’s the persuasion argument lol
Another observation
whether this is agreed upon or not is not the point of me sharing this..the point is that maybe this will be helpful info to those in need of it… It seems to be the case that the main boundary separating masculinity and femininity is DISCIPLINE.. As men if we don’t have the discipline to not be self destructive we will destroy ourselves and others at a very high pace Whereas women can be as self destructive as they want to be because they will always have their beauty and sexuality to fall back on The overarching point being everything that is difficult requires discipline to achieve..its easy to lie, it’s easy to act out of emotion, it’s easy to run’s easy to avoid suffering It’s difficult to always be honest, it’s difficult to be stoic, it’s difficult to always display self control it’s difficult to suffer in order to gain a reward Women will always be inclined to give into temptation because that’s the easiest thing to do which is why keeping them in the house protected them more than everybody realized More often than not the only times women do what’s difficult is when they’re under extreme circumstances where they have no other choice However the women who are disciplined end up becoming so close to men that they become undesirable to men..and I believe that’s evidence to support discipline being the line between masculinity and femininity Mind you this would be why women are the most attracted to men who’s lives reflect them displaying the highest levels of discipline because if they attach themselves to these men they would also be safer by default and be far less likely to be victims of their own choices which they tend to be more often than not Remember this is just an observation any agreements or disagreements commented make no difference to me this is just what I perceive to be helpful info..
Greetings fellas
I know I started off a bit over eager, it’s just nice to be in a community of like minded folk is all, I’m a 31 yr old father of two. I was in the military for a bit and enjoyed my time overseas so I committed to staying overseas..I have my fair share of experience but nobodies perfect right? there’s always more to learn so here I am ✊🏾
New comment Jul 8
0 likes • Jun 25
Appreciate ✊🏾
1 like • Jul 8
@Jair Jay more or less..I’m in more of a transition period right now but my children are nationals
So I argued with this girl who I never met. We had been chatting for a while. Things got intense and she told me to get out of her dms, so I apologized she insulted me first after I told her that was the reason I insulted her too she said "OH I INTENDED TO INSULT YOU" but still I said am sorry when she told me to get out of her dms. I felt like a gut punch so I had to apologize. We good now though but I think I have lost respect for myself, I need you help guys
New comment Jul 13
0 likes • Jul 6
Is there a particular reason youre going this route with this female? You know how it makes you look…is the payoff you’re waiting for supposed to upset this situation and bring back balance or put things in your favor? Is there any upside to going about things this way?
1 like • Jul 8
@Mike Daniels alright so your purposely allowing her to disrespect you in that conversation for the tradeoff? The problem is…any women you meet through her are gonna treat you how she does or worse because of what she tells them about you…women have a really hard time having sex with dudes they don’t respect for free and they especially aren’t attracted to guys they don’t respect so sacrificing self respect for women cant work if you want them to actually like you or even if you want just sex..this is not the way brother
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Eli Saint
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