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Facebook Ads question...
Hey all, I am hoping someone has been here before with ads. Ok so I set up a campaign and then added an ad set for the 7 advertorials. Each of the Advertorials are set at $4 per day.. and so is the campaign somehow... It looks like the campaign will only spend $4 for the day at the moment but if I increase the campaign to $28 then all the ads get increased to $28 each and same if I change any ad price they all change. Did I not set the campaign up right? Thanks in advance and apologies if it's a noob question, I did scour the net and didn't get an answer that was helpful.
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
hey Andrew, just for clarity, you wrote you set up "an adset for the 7...". What you want is 7 separate adsets each containing 1 ad. Set each adset budget for $5. Here's a screenshot of how mine looks (although 1 of these is still awaiting approval so I have all of them off until all approved). Also I recommend keeping your naming conventions as clear as you can for easy reference otherwise it gets very confusing. That's why mine are named the way they are so I can keep things straight.
1 like • May '23
yeah FB does some crazy stuff for no apparent reason at times! You got it - please keep us posted too
The Numbers Tell The Story
I have to be vulnerable and share my truth to receive feedback. I am following the FK strategy, I put the ad sets, and these are the metrics in 5 days: Impressions: 134,738 Reach: 44,616 CPM (Cost Per 1000 impresions): $0.53 Clicks: 837 CTR: 0.62% Reactions to posts: 62 Money Invested: $72.22 Conversions: none I share this information as an exercise so we all can learn. I will put that information also in our Wednesday call. Our web is not converting. My team needs to get better at that.
New comment May '23
3 likes • May '23
Here are my thoughts after reviewing the landing page. I'd test this to see if you can increase conversions. Although I'm not a spanish speaker, I ran it through translate and get what you are offering. If the video (I assume) is pitching the $47 offer benefits, then, let the video run a bit before the offer below shows up (put a delay on it). Let the video do it's work before showing the investment. The other thing is the bullet points all discuss a mindset, but instead I would go after bullet points that detail what a person will gain after consuming the $47 offer. Just my two cents if I was trying to increase conversions on that page. This is awesome that you are bringing this to latin america! Everyone can benefit from solid financial knowledge for sure!
Progress report + chatGPT 4 tip on easier article writing
Got the homework done, here is a short 5 min Loom video of my setup, plus a tip on getting the articles done easier and faster with deep chatgpt 4 prompts:
New comment May '23
Progress report + chatGPT 4 tip on easier article writing
2 likes • May '23
great work and thanks for sharing it! i didnt realize how intensely detailed you could be with the prompts!
2 likes • May '23
@David Gikandi Excellent! I also heard the term "PromptCraft" God knows marketing is all about making up new language! LOL
FB AI sounds woke :)
One of my ads was rejected with a note saying I must undergo some identity screening process to post a political ad. Well, I rewrote it instead of arguing with them. Is FB AI jealous of ChatGPT AI? No problem, ChatGPT is smart enough to rephrase in the language FB AI can accept. Cheers!
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
if you get this again, you can appeal and make sure you let them know you are not a political candidate, running for office, etc. Usually that's what they mean by political ads (it's a special category that limits targeting options)
AI Customer Machine - For Lead Gen?
Hey All! I've got a Solar company and I'm thinking about using the AI Customer Machine tactics to generate leads for it. Has anyone tried this sort of approach for a non-personal brand business style before?
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
I have a client who just approached me about running solar ads, so I'm interested to see it implemented. Not going to do it myself right now (I'm working on an affiliate promo) but like to see how it can work.
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Diane Zidek
84points to level up
Rebel. Geek. Music Lover.

Active 45d ago
Joined Apr 10, 2023
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