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No webinar today?
I had hoped to ask a few questions today... 1. Is it best to have the CTA on all advertorials be the same -- to the same landing page? Or can I mix it up and have some go to my lead magnet, some to a book for sale, etc? 2. If I understand correctly, more advertorials are better, so 15 at $2/day is preferred over 7 at $4/day?
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
Looks like no webinar. Just from memory on your points. 1. Frank recommended keeping the url the same as you want to keep reinforcing your brand awareness. If the messages / offers are varied then you're not impressing the brand on them. That being said you can always try that approach and monitor to see how it performs. 2. Again my memory says to start with 7 at $4, see if the audience targetted is engaged and taking action and then add more advertorials and reduce daily spend. I'm 1 week in running 7 ads and I'm seeing more engagement each day that it runs and more impressions they are seeing. It's not where I want it to be but at the same time I understand a lot of impressions are usually required before someone takes action.
Link Please
does somebody have the link for the zoom. AI call?
New comment May '23
1 like • May '23
@Fernando Gonzalez You're old zoom link in your emails should work. But its not connecting at the moment. Might be start of next hour.
2 likes • May '23
@Simon James Thanks for letting us know, got it too
That Russell Brunson Is Up To Hijinx Again: VOOMLY
Hear about EBOOV? Turns a video into a funnel, by pausing in mid-play, at a point of you choosing, to get name, email? Not only was it thousands of dollars to sign-up, but they were particular about your business, its status, etc. etc. Its cool because it skips most of the funnel biz, "skip me to step 3" where the person is viewing your webinar. RB goes and throws up for the same thing, 19$-79$/mo. Dang. That's your crystal-clear example of "race to the bottom" or "why I don't just go write software at the drop of a hat". Engage!
New comment Sep '23
3 likes • May '23
I'm using voomly, the email capture is limited to 2 providers at the moment (MailChimp is one I think). The cool thing I like about it is it's a choose your own adventure. You can set a pause and multiple buttons to different paths so if done right you can connect the right customer to the right product with video instead of multiple pages or different landings etc. Still running some trials to see how conversions go but it has converted and upped my time on page scores. Used Canva and AI voiceover for speed.
3 likes • May '23
@Dallas Holland fair point. I think it helps to let people know that it's an interactive video and that the purpose is to help them , either save time or find the right solution etc. Once you know what it can do you can think on how you could serve people better with it. For example if you were offering a business coaching service you start by that businesses can be categorised into 3 different periods, briefly explain each one and then prompt for them to pick the one that suits them, then the next video you're talking about that stage. I guess instead of a shotgun approach at trying to appeal to everyone you can go straight into an area knowing they selected it. It's 50/50 whether it will catch on but I think it will help people get the info they want quicker than having to sit through parts not relevant to them. You also get stats on where people went, watch through etc so it also gives you an idea on what your traffic of audience is into and what they're not. Worth noting this is just my opinion!
Facebook Ads question...
Hey all, I am hoping someone has been here before with ads. Ok so I set up a campaign and then added an ad set for the 7 advertorials. Each of the Advertorials are set at $4 per day.. and so is the campaign somehow... It looks like the campaign will only spend $4 for the day at the moment but if I increase the campaign to $28 then all the ads get increased to $28 each and same if I change any ad price they all change. Did I not set the campaign up right? Thanks in advance and apologies if it's a noob question, I did scour the net and didn't get an answer that was helpful.
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
@Diane Zidek Thank you, that makes more sense. Luckily I was able to duplicate my sets 6 times and remove all the ads bar one on each so I didn't have to reproduce the ads. Hoping they all get approved again! Some weird things happening with audiences too, they keep jumping up, even on a saved audience there was variations between ad sets so I had to switch manual and then load the audience again to get the numbers back. Appreciate the assist 🙏
Obsess With Trial and Error
After publishing the 7 pieces of ad set, I was very excited about the traffic generated, and it worked very well. However, I have another challenge: my web doesn’t convert. So now my team is working on it. That’s a good problem to have because it means we are making progress. I Love FK lessons because they work. So happy to be in this group of dedicated people. If you guys have any tools or advice, please let me know.
New comment May '23
2 likes • May '23
Hey Fernando, great job getting the ads up! I took a look at your site and translated to English so some things may be lost in translation. Here's just some suggestions to think about. - Don't put the offer straight away. Bring them in on the journey to show them the value of $47 P/m, otherwise some might just walk straight away. - The intro positions you as an expert that people should listen to. This to might be off putting. Go right into the problems the might be facing. Particularly talk about the problems that got them to click on your ads. Sympathise with them. - I would have a different approach to the messaging but that's what makes everyone different! If you can get some non family people to read it and say what they like and don't like that would help. - Emphasise the features of the program more. You've got some good icon blocks for the stats but all the features are grouped as dot points, they should be on a pedestal 🙂 - Ok last thought, and this one EVERYONE does (including Frank, he did it 💯 on this class) add the currency value to all the added bonuses. So they know by signing up they get free access to $$$ worth of content. - Alright last last thought, add a timer, tell people when it's going to end, emphasis exclusive bonuses. When the timer passes just change the bonuses around a bit and add an extra dollar or 2 so it's a different offer and you were genuine about closing the last offer. Hope any of that might of been of use and good luck from Australia 🦘
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Andrew Barrett
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Data Geek turned Entrepreneur, helping teach small businesses how to connect their data so they can make informed decisions.

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Joined Apr 10, 2023
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