Hello Tribe Looking to post this on my FB later on but would like your feedback. It's meant to connect with my audience (young employees who are struggling with confidence, clarity and effective communication) helping them find those 3 things on their road to a happier, more fulfilled and set up to succeed self. Here's the post: "On the left is version 2.0 me (yes, there's a version 1.0 that was in a way worse position) and although version 2.0 seemed good in some ways, has a job, getting a pay, dressed in a suit, I was unfulfilled for the most part, exhausted and wondering if that would be my fate for the next 50 years. And I think the reason I was really troubled at the time was because I knew that I could be more, I knew that I can offer more value and I knew that I could and should earn way more. For me, for my folks and little brother and for all the people I know I could help in the process. But I was scared and I let that fear hold me back for so long. And slowly I lost my glow, lost that confidence and belief. And that led to that guy seated there, after work trying to find a way out. Then there Ms the guy in the right. That's me 3.0. One thing I'm grateful for is that the guy on the left was more afraid of being stuck for the rest of his life than of investing time and money inmto personal development. Through the help of mentors, coaches and a particular method I discovered, I got those 3 critical Cs - Clarity (of my purpose and vision), confidence (that helped me take action even when I was scared) and one more that helped me land better positions that others were probably way more qualified than I was. That last see is Communication and the ability to present myself and my ideas to the right people. That opened doors for me and prepared me to shine and impress when I got to the other side of those doors. It took me close to 4 years of investing, working, crushing, getting back up, learning and coaching to get here. But you can take the shortcut to those critical Cs and the beautiful results that come with right now.