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8 contributions to SMMA Clarity Community
Only 40 Cold Calls Done
That’s right I didn’t do all the 300 cold calls i was aiming too, but what i learned today is that calling this much people takes too much time. So i am going to be aiming for 50-100 a day for now and then i will increase it gradually. RESULTS SO FAR: not much but lots of uninterested and unavailable or call later and etc…. . So yeah there’s no positive results at the moment but imma keep doing this. STAY HUSTLING BROTHERS 👊🏻👊🏻.
New comment Apr 17
2 likes • Apr 17
Bro, you forgot that overcoming yourself and doing 40 cold calls is aready a positive result! The rest will come with time, experience and practising!
Learning Paid Ads and SEO
Does anyone know where I can get hands on experience with paid advertising and seo.
New comment Apr 15
1 like • Apr 13
@Omar Ismail Bro, this is where everyone starts: either you test it yourself, or you hire a media buyer, there is no other way
2 likes • Apr 13
@Omar Ismail That's the right decision, man
Best way to scrape leads
READ THE WHOLE THING I’ve seen some people asking for the best way to scrape leads I’ve also seen many guides on scraping leads whatever you do DONT pay for leads off some website that’s just my opinion I personally use data miner/scraper It’s a free google chrome extension used to scrape any information from any business It’s super easy and has been a game changer for me No exaggeration, I’m able to scrape 100 business names, phone numbers, emails, and website links in under 5 minutes HOW TO USE: Start by downloading data miner/scraper Search up in google your niche in whatever city/town Scroll until you see the map with the businesses under Press more businesses From there you can press the puzzle piece next to your google search bar That’ll bring up the option to open data miner From there it gets a bit more difficult to explain so I recommend searching up a data miner guide on YouTube When using data miner your gonna want to also use a spreadsheet so you can copy/paste all the business info into a list Hope this was useful to some of you guys And if anybody needs help figuring it out feel free to comment or dm me I’m open to doing a 1-1 with anybody to walk them through it ❗️❗️
New comment Apr 15
3 likes • Apr 13
Appreciate your effort, man🤝
Hey guys I’m 17 y/o from Massachusetts Been working only my agency for a good while now and as of recently I’ve been focusing on expanding my network I’m glad to be welcomed into this community, I’m looking forward to both learning snd teaching in this community.
New comment Apr 13
1 like • Apr 13
Welcome G
Problem with calling - Twilio
So i bought twilio number on monday and finally started calling my pickuo rate was 1/4 and it was great but immediately after i payed 20 dollars on twilio account (first day) they sent me auto email and asked me what am I goint to use it for (personal use or business), on third day my number started getting marked as spam i do not know why and how can i prevent this so i wanted to buy new one but because they restricted my account first day to ask me what will i use Twilio for and which service i was not able to buy another number. I opened a ticket said it was to call people in Usa for my work then they asked me same copy pasted email i said its for personal use and i will use voice (call) only and then they asked me to provide them information about services i offer and what am i planning to do and i do not know what to reply to them, i have 11$ left on my account but can't buy number to start calling again. First i wanted to buy skype but then some people told me it marks as spam and Twilio number won't mark as spam but also skype is a lot cheaper but i do not have money now i want to spend those remaining 11$ i got on Twilio account please if someone know what should I reply to them.
New comment Apr 13
1 like • Apr 13
I use Skype and everything is fine bro
1-8 of 8
Deivid Simson
43points to level up
On my way to 10k with Santa:)

Active 13h ago
Joined Feb 17, 2024
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