Problem with calling - Twilio
So i bought twilio number on monday and finally started calling my pickuo rate was 1/4 and it was great but immediately after i payed 20 dollars on twilio account (first day) they sent me auto email and asked me what am I goint to use it for (personal use or business), on third day my number started getting marked as spam i do not know why and how can i prevent this so i wanted to buy new one but because they restricted my account first day to ask me what will i use Twilio for and which service i was not able to buy another number. I opened a ticket said it was to call people in Usa for my work then they asked me same copy pasted email i said its for personal use and i will use voice (call) only and then they asked me to provide them information about services i offer and what am i planning to do and i do not know what to reply to them, i have 11$ left on my account but can't buy number to start calling again.
First i wanted to buy skype but then some people told me it marks as spam and Twilio number won't mark as spam but also skype is a lot cheaper but i do not have money now i want to spend those remaining 11$ i got on Twilio account please if someone know what should I reply to them.
Nana Zaba
Problem with calling - Twilio
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