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Nursing Revolution

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Skool Community

Public • 140.7k • Paid

6 contributions to Nursing Revolution
Physical Movement Post
Share with the group what kinds of things you are finding helpful to keep you moving your body regularly.
New comment Jun '23
1 like • Jun '23
I've been working on increasing my physical activity level after dealing with Long COVID for a year (any sort of activity, especially physical activity, triggers symptoms) and the accompanying deconditioning and wasting that came along with that. Fortunately it's summer, so I'm doing some gardening and yard work, walking the dog, doing easy hikes, neighborhood walks with my family, and my new favorite form of activity is activism. I've been outside standing holding flags and signs promoting inclusivity and denouncing hate for hours at a time and it usually involves dancing. I'm hoping to have some muscular arms here soon! The nurses who have been striking also know what I mean 😅
1 like • Jun '23
@Elina Solaita love this idea!
Hello to our newest members!!
We have two new members, @Ally Buettel @Deborah Anderson, that have joined the cause!!! Welcome to The Nursing Revolution!! Make sure you go through the page, read the posts, participate in the polls, engage in discussion and post. The first few posts are REALLY good because they help you understand and navigate this new platform. One of the reasons I love it is because of their gamification. A little friendly competition!! 👍🏼. In the picture below, this is the leaderboard from the Skool Community Group. Im #4 for the week!!! 👍🏼🫶🏼🎉🎊. You can see the +33 next to my name, meaning I earned that many points for my contribution to the group discussion. I respond to posts, comment on others responses, and people like the things I say. The more you do in the group, the more points you get!! Check out our leaderboard tab at the top. Let me know if you have any questions or recommendations on how to get this party popping!!! Don’t forget to respond to the introduction post. 💝 You’ll get points for likes when people read your post. 👍🏼
New comment Jun '23
Hello to our newest members!!
1 like • Jun '23
@Deborah Anderson
Welcome Newest Members
We continue to grow our group and Im excited to have our newest members, @Patty Wheeler and @Lei Aliimatafitafi. Welcome to The Nursing Revolution. Please take the time to introduce yourselves to the group. We have a post where you can continue to post there or just respond here. Happy to have you aboard!!
New comment Jun '23
Welcome Newest Members
1 like • Jun '23
If I was still a Providence RN, I would be right there with them!! In April of this year, our department, ProvRN, which happened to be its own bargaining unit, was shut down. In the words of the higher ups, it was “sunsetted”!!!! On top of all that, their communication to the providers and other “caregivers” was that we- the staff, were given the opportunity to remain with Providence. That was BullShit at its finest! Over half of our nursing staff had 10+ years experience. With that much seniority and being part of a union, there was little Providence would be able to do except to continue to return to the “bargaining table” and negotiate our contract. Their solution, close us down!!! AND pay us off versus assisting us to find “opportunities” in other departments. Think 🤔 about………………………….. I was not part of the department during the initial and height of the pandemic of COVID-19, my coworkers were. While everything was shut down and not accessible to patients, my coworkers were there. 24/7, 365 for 2-3 years!!! When patients have NOWHERE ELSE TO GO, they called us and we cared and comforted them. And we got laid off. “Sunsetted”!! So, if you aren’t exactly sure why or what is happening, it’s because of shady ass practices such as what they did to ProvRN!! Providence is a multi-billion, multi-state network of systems. Their care for their “frontline” workers would be horrible if it wasn’t for the ONA nurses union. What do think about nurses having to strike to get the necessary standards to safely perform their jobs?
New comment Jun '23
0 likes • Jun '23
The only reason I'm not on strike along with these healthcare workers is because Providence closed my department, laid us all off, and outsourced much of the work mere weeks before our nurses' contract was due to expire. Now I'm priced out of my very specialized job market, but I could accept a job for $20 or more less per hour. Providence did nothing to retain the nurses with their years of experience in their system and I can only think of our expense as the reason why. I could also talk for hours about how Providence's treatment of it's "healthcare heros" has deteriorated over the nearly 15 years I worked for them, as could any of their employees. Or how my healthcare costs skyrocketed in that time, even though I was working for Providence and using their health insurance and health care system. What I'm most passionate about though, is how Providence has increasingly been failing me, my family, and the community as patients. I could have died because of failures on multiple levels within Providence's systems. My child's care was subpar, limited to the most basic and oldest modalities, and difficult to access. As a healthcare provider, I know how to work within these systems and advocate for the care needed, but despite my hours of reaching out weekly for help we were repeatedly let down. As a nurse I was not able to provide the care to my community members that they needed to live well. There was often no place for patients to get help except for the emergency room, even Providence's patients service by Home Health, Hospice, and other intensive programs that advertise 24/7 care. Patients I triaged with COVID had to wait days for provider evaluation, often missing the timeframe to start prescription treatments that effectively prevented severe disease and death. Any local crisis sort of situations were met with closures of outpatient care facilities, the system quickly became overwhelmed, and patients were forced to delay or forgo their care or seek care in emergency rooms.
1 like • Jun '23
@Elina Solaita & @Deborah Anderson I think these sorts of things we do for our local and professional communities are just as important as the nursing care we're employed to provide!
New Member Alert ‼️
Im excited to have @Dawn Bryan as our newest member of The Nursing Revolution! We were classmates in nursing school and were co-workers at ProvRN doing telephone triage. @Dawn Bryan is super knowledgeable able has a TON of passion for supporting nurses. Please welcome here and connect 💗 Happy to have you! 🫶🏼
New comment Jun '23
New Member Alert ‼️
2 likes • Jun '23
Hi! 👋 Thanks for the warm welcome, Elina. I can't wait to see what we can do in this community!
1-6 of 6
Dawn Bryan
12points to level up
NW Nurse Dawn: Expert RN specializing in telehealth seeking to build a better world through connection and communication.

Active 295d ago
Joined Jun 19, 2023
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