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Hello Everyone
I am here and I am ready to be a part of this movement ...que happy dance 😁
New comment Sep '23
Hello! Welcome to The Nursing Revolution Skool.
The goal of this skool is to provide a safe space for nurses to collaborate and put into action initiatives that will completely overhaul and revamp a healthcare system that is no longer working. If there is a group that will be able to get this astronomical job done, it will be a nurse-driven revolution. Start by checking out these links - Classroom - Roadmap To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. How many years do you have in your nursing career? 2. Which nursing specialties have you worked in or are interested in learning about? 3. What are you looking forward to in this community? Make sure that your post has the category “Welcome! Getting to know you” so we can easily find our new members and welcome them to the community. See you in the comments!
New comment Jul '23
We're Growing!!
Yay!!! Our two newest members @Theresa Fanene and @Susan Marks have joined our small, but mighty nurse peer group. Welcome aboard! As we start to grow and evolve, we will continue to have more and more resources and connections available to everyone. Im excited to share that @Susan Marks is not your traditional nurse and she is passionate about encouraging other nurses to pursue other avenues of delivering patient care. Please reach out to her and introduce yourself. I'm look forward to learning more about @Susan Marks and her nursing role.
New comment Jun '23
We're Growing!!
Hello to our newest members!!
We have two new members, @Ally Buettel @Deborah Anderson, that have joined the cause!!! Welcome to The Nursing Revolution!! Make sure you go through the page, read the posts, participate in the polls, engage in discussion and post. The first few posts are REALLY good because they help you understand and navigate this new platform. One of the reasons I love it is because of their gamification. A little friendly competition!! 👍🏼. In the picture below, this is the leaderboard from the Skool Community Group. Im #4 for the week!!! 👍🏼🫶🏼🎉🎊. You can see the +33 next to my name, meaning I earned that many points for my contribution to the group discussion. I respond to posts, comment on others responses, and people like the things I say. The more you do in the group, the more points you get!! Check out our leaderboard tab at the top. Let me know if you have any questions or recommendations on how to get this party popping!!! Don’t forget to respond to the introduction post. 💝 You’ll get points for likes when people read your post. 👍🏼
New comment Jun '23
Hello to our newest members!!
Welcome Newest Members
We continue to grow our group and Im excited to have our newest members, @Patty Wheeler and @Lei Aliimatafitafi. Welcome to The Nursing Revolution. Please take the time to introduce yourselves to the group. We have a post where you can continue to post there or just respond here. Happy to have you aboard!!
New comment Jun '23
Welcome Newest Members
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Nursing Revolution
Nurses embracing innovative practices, expanding professional boundaries, fostering collaboration, and promoting patient-centered care. RE-EVOLUTION.
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