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SpiritLed Business Community🪬

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35 contributions to SpiritLed Business Community🪬
Hi @Nicolas Canon is this the old "master your message" community that you are changing or re-purposing to kind of a landing community?
New comment 6d ago
0 likes • 6d
@Nicolas Canon Awesome! Happy to be part of it!
Carousel finally posted!!!
Although I haven’t figured out to get Bulk Create on Canva, I did create a carousel inspired directly by my offer and spoke more to the problems and directly to my ideal client. This was out of my comfort zone! And happy to stretch myself. Check it out and show some love on the post! Welcome feedback here in Bonfire 🔥
New comment Aug 17
0 likes • Aug 17
HW #2
This was a recent post I used to promote a Flashsale. Definitely in the storytelling/gossip category. I finished with an offer description and CTA so did not include all of that within this post. Would absolutely welcome feedback on how effective, or not, this use of storytelling was! [did not copy formating below. Full post HERE] Are your relationships f*cking with your business? Comin' in hot with a spicy tale this fine morning! On my trip home to Sask at the beginning of June, a family member shared a fascinating local story of love, intrigue, and business gone awry. This family member has a membership at a prestigious fitness/wellness/business club that caters to entrepreneurs and is styled as a networking opportunity. As he explained the concept and facility I thought it was brilliant. He then shared that the business was operating at a loss, the owner was getting increasingly desperate, and therefore inconsistent with membership policies, plus a few other things that weren’t adding up to a positive membership experience any longer. As much as he was rooting for the owner, he was on the verge of cutting his losses (the club required a not-small shares purchase like at a golf club that he was not likely to recoup), and just joining a regular gym. Where the story got interesting is why the club was struggling. The owner, while savvy, creative, and smart, had a…complicated…personal life. She had struck up a not-hidden intimate relationship with one of her club members - a prominent member of the community - who also happened to be married. Not only is that situation fraught enough, but she allowed this man to heavily influence her business decisions. A man who was not a business specialist by any stretch, and who seemed to have an over-large…ego. It is foolish to believe as an entrepreneur that you can silo your life. Your shadows and relationship patterns follow you everywhere. Plus, who you allow close access to you will absolutely affect your revenue.
New comment Aug 17
0 likes • Aug 17
Great work SHarleen
Here are the 3 key foundations of a Kickass-Offer that sells itself:
1- It's exciting for you AND your ideal client Many coaches launch programs that they themselves would love to attend and this is well-intended but often falls flat on its face. When working with people ask yourself this question as often as possible: - Is this about ME? or is it about THEM? - Do I want to serve or do I want to be seen? Most creators and coaches -unconsciously- want to be approved of, validated and celebrated by their audience more than they want to create value that serves them. (Hello shadow wounds finding expression through insidious pseudo-'spiritual' ways!) On the other hand, creating an offer that is 100% value and client oriented will make you a lot of money.. but will also burn you out in the process. If you sell something that you resent delivering.. If you turn your passion to serve into another form of slavery.. If you make money your god and blindly follow its call.. You will not be able to run a sustainable practice. Either you or the business will eventually break. So create every offer from a place of deep inclusion of those you want to help AND yourself. Look at what you're selling right now and notice your gut feeling: does it excite you? or are you a bit jaded and it has become a bit monotonous (and stagnant in terms of income)? 2- It is Specific + Clear I want you to think about this for a moment: People in the industries that sell "hard products", like.. material, tangible things.. are actually in the business of selling abstract emotions, feelings and 'vibes'.. While people in the industry of self-development, healing, coaching and education ("soft products"/services) are actually in the business of selling super tangible, measurable results. Let me explain: Ferrari does not sell cars any more than Louis Vuitton sells bags.. They sell status. They sell the feeling of luxury. The concept of being 'part of the small, select elite' that can afford their products. They sell the experience of driving a Ferrari..
New comment Aug 17
Here are the 3 key foundations of a Kickass-Offer that sells itself:
0 likes • Aug 17
Great post @Nicolas Canon Wheere did you post it? It's not on FB?
Please watch this Video, go to the "Classroom" tab to complete onboarding and proceed to introduce yourself: - Who are you, who do you help and how? - Why are you here? - Share a fun-fact about you (BONUS points if it includes a picture)
Complete action
New comment Aug 17
0 likes • Aug 17
1-10 of 35
Dan Gibson
10points to level up
Excited to see just how incredible life can get

Active 22h ago
Joined Jul 10, 2024
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