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Kingdom Culture Revolution

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4 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
SOP for Having Discussions i. e. Other Perspectives and Beliefs
This graphic was shared by one of our members and it’s an image we should refer to when having discussions. Scripture is always our first resource, but this is helpful as well. We believe in having conversations and discussions regarding opinions, perspectives, and beliefs that don’t match our own. This is how we grow. 1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect” (NIV). We must remember to do so with gentleness and respect, and with the understanding that it is not our job to convict hearts or convince minds. Our job is merely to plant seeds. However, please note that we cannot in good conscience promote materials that do not align with Biblical values. Posts and comments that suggest someone should refer to resources that are not based in scripture will be removed.
New comment 1d ago
SOP for Having Discussions i. e. Other Perspectives and Beliefs
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Great post @Angela Linville ! This morning I was spoken to by the VP of the gym I workout at because I put "Jesus Loves You" on every workout I do for HYROX in the morning and the board is left there over the day. The common theme was "People feel offended by what you wrote and I know you aren't trying to be offensive" I told him "Thank you for letting me know, and I'll respect your facility." For me, it's meeting people where they are, asking the right questions to understand why they believe what they do, and then showing them a different perspective if they are open to having a conversation. When I first got into ministry I was not that way and I was corrected quite quickly by judging others is now showing love, but correction is much needed at times. I was corrected many times.. Sat with the lord prayed and realized I was doing more harm than good. I believe we all face this as we love Jesus so much and we just want to share that love with others but it can come off offensive to someone who has been hurt by the church, hurt by "religion" or even not ready to receive it. The workaround to this is everything I wear has Jesus on it somewhere somehow and I made a shirt for Limitless Faith that say "You Are Loved"
3 likes • 2d
@Angela Linville Angela I am right there with you.. Jesus saved my life and I will preach it till the day I die. Now it’s about learning how to show love while others may disagree, cut you off in traffic, persecute you etc. I have learned I’m a very task oriented, get it done, no excuses kind of person that’s why we shall see if I’m called to be a “Pastor” which time will tell. All I know is Jesus walked into dark rooms and was the light. We are to be bold in our faith but also respect others and their beliefs. All learning lessons daily 🙏
Are you ALL IN or are you hiding your light under a bushel?
Go all in on the next chapter of your journey! This is a community where vision and purpose collide to create real momentum. If you're ready to share your gifts, message, and offers with the world, this is where it starts. We're diving deep into the topics that matter most to leaders like you: Purpose & Vision: Let’s get clear on what God’s calling you to do. Leadership: Learn how to lead with confidence in life and work. Entrepreneurship & Ministry: Build impactful businesses and ministries that advance the Kingdom. Collaboration: Connect and partner with like-minded leaders to expand your reach. Personal Growth: Strengthen your faith and step boldly into your calling. But here’s the thing—we want to hear **from you**! Drop a comment or share a post about your journey, your offers, or even something you're working on. Let’s build each other up and help move your message forward. This is a place to connect, collaborate, and grow. So don’t be shy—start sharing and connecting!
New comment 5d ago
3 likes • 9d
@Lisa Vanderveen Anyone who is looking for emotional work at a deeper level I will send it over to my girlfriend who runs PreacHER Blessings. A Community for women focuses on Mind, Body & Soul.
2 likes • 7d
@Krista Bugg Thank you Krista! I believe we are all called to something in life and to recover that calling it takes going through the storms and the dark valleys at times.
New to the community?
Welcome to Kingdom Culture Revolution! Just joining the community? Leave a simple comment to introduce yourself below, and then welcome a few others by responding to their comments. New to Skool? -> Every time someone likes a post or comment of yours, you get a point. -> Points earn you levels -> 5 Points gets you to level 2 (so go leave 5 comments in the community to get your 5 likes) -> At level 2, you can post in the community. -> At level 3, you unlock your first course As you participate in the community, you earn more courses and prizes, and you develop more valuable relationships (with both me and the members inside). This is a community that CARES about you, and REWARDS you for being an ACTIVE member. Let's learn, grow, and rise together to bring more of the KINGDOM to earth! Any questions? Ask them below and we'll help you out!
New comment 3d ago
3 likes • 8d
@Sheena McKinney Also partnered with Sermonshots which has an amazing platform if you’re interested
3 likes • 7d
@Sheena McKinney Blessed and grateful every day. I remember when I started watching people asking "God, when will I have the ability to do that?" He said wait. Your time will come.
Welcome to the BEST Community for Kingdom Leaders (Read me first)
Welcome to our community of Kingdom leaders! We're thrilled to have you here as part of a dynamic group of believers called to establish heavenly solutions in the earth. This is a training ground for the modern-day Elijah’s, David’s, Deborah’s, and Esther’s—those who know they’ve been called for such a time as this. In this community, you’ll find resources, mentorship, connection, collaboration, and the support needed to step fully into your God-given purpose. We’re here to help you gain the clarity, confidence, and conviction to fulfill your mission with passion, power, and purpose. Explore our discussions, engage and collaborate with fellow members, and dive into the content designed to equip you for the unique assignment God has placed on your life. We believe in you, and we’re excited to see the impact you’ll make. How does Skool work? For every comment or post, you get points. Points move you through the levels. Moving through the levels unlocks different goodies. We'll be adding more goodies as we grow. Soooo...Take a moment to introduce yourself. I'd love to learn more about you and the community would too (not to mention, it earns you points which will advance you to Level 2 so you can post!). We're so grateful God has led you here. Welcome to the movement!
New comment 3d ago
2 likes • 10d
@Cassie Kitzmiller Thank you! This is what changed my life and I know will change the lives of men all around the world ✝️🌎
2 likes • 10d
@Lisa Vanderveen Excited to meet you as well! Have a blessed week 🙏🏻
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Clint Riggin
5points to level up
Limitless Faith Inc. Ministry Limitless Faith Kingdom Builders Peak Performance Coach

Active 2h ago
Joined Sep 15, 2024
Austin, Texas
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