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Created by Clément

Clemmos Academy

Private • 5 • Free

Communauté de développeurs blockchain


Adonis School

Private • 1.4k • $199/m

Adonis Gang

Private • 130.9k • $1/m

The Digital Builders

Public • 125 • $3/m

Skool Community

Public • 103.7k • Paid

3 contributions to The Digital Builders
**Monday Check-In Setting Goals and Getting Started**
Hey everyone! Welcome to another week! 🌟 As we kick off this Monday, I want to talk about the importance of setting goals. Mondays are the perfect time to set clear, actionable goals for the week. Having a target in mind can help you stay focused, motivated, and productive. This week, my goal is to launch our **JavaScript Superstars** course. This course is designed to take you from knowing nothing about JavaScript to becoming proficient. It's perfect for our new members who are just starting their coding journey, but even seasoned pros might find some valuable insights. I'm also excited to announce the release of my **Ebook: From Truck Driver to Full Stack Developer**. In this 35-page Ebook, I share my journey from driving trucks to becoming a full-stack software developer working at a startup. It's filled with practical advice, tips, and my personal experiences to help you on your own path to success. Both the JavaScript course and the Ebook will be available this week, and I can't wait for you all to dive in! So, what are you guys up to this week? What goals are you setting for yourselves? Let's share our plans and support each other in achieving them! Happy Monday and let's make this week awesome!
New comment 7d ago
2 likes • 9d
I already acheive parts of my goals : make 3 videos (I made 4) The other goal I have is to continue to build my (first) SaaS. This week I want to - finish to set up the authentication with auth.js (I use Nextjs) - Link the frontend part to the backend. I already set up drizzle with a postgresql database (with Neon). As this is new for me, it takes me quite a lot of time juste to learn and setup each technology/package.
Sweep away your mental Ants!
For tech workers like software engineers, whose jobs intensely rely on mental abilities, mental fatigue can often feel overwhelming. This is why meditation, a powerful tool for mental health, offers a way to regain control over your mental space, particularly from Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs).ANTs can infest our minds like unwanted pests, clouding our thoughts and affecting our emotions and productivity. The rare skill in this day is only unlocked by a saint-like amount of patience. Meditation now opens up another layer of awareness and acts as a mental broom, helping to sweep away these intrusive thoughts. Just as one would address a pest problem with urgency, addressing mental clutter through daily meditation—just 10 minutes a day—can lead to serious improvements in mental clarity and overall productivity.This practice isn't just about improving concentration but also about cultivating a resilient mind capable of overcoming the 'fortune-telling' mode—where we predict and often dwell on negative outcomes—which can be motivated by factors like lack of sleep or poor diet. Clearing the mind allows us to tackle daily tasks with a fresh, unburdened perspective.Feel free to use this concept as a daily practice for mental health and productivity.
New comment May 17
Sweep away your mental Ants!
1 like • May 15
I started meditation to improve my presence while talking to other people (and also because it's part of my self improvment journey), but it's very effective to take a mental break. Now their is differents way to meditate, so here is mine. It's a 4 steps cycle. 1. You focus on the present moment . You can do that by focusing on your breath, or your nose, or even a candle light for exemple. 2. You get lost in thoughts. This is just normal, your brain is creative and tend to get new ideas when you do nothing. 3. You realise you are no longer mindfull. 4. You focus back on the present moment. This way you'll increase you focus and mindfulness. There are a lot of others positive. The last step is the most important. Re-focusing your attention is what make you improve your focus. It's like doing a rep in the gym to build muscle, but for the mind.
1 like • May 15
@Lionel Sapp Each time I meditate I feel like I have so good ideas, and then when I sit normally without meditating, nothing better pops in my mind. And same for me, when I don't meditate for a few days, I start feeling something is not right haha
Monday Check in!
Happy Monday everyone! This week things have been a bit quiet around here due to my racing towards deadlines as our start-up is set to launch at the end of the month! Good news is we are right on track, I've also been cooking up a event locally in the Hampton Roads area for the Digital Builders our first in person event of the year! That being said lets set our Monday goals for the week and shoot for the stars! 1. Work with the pomodoro technique 25/5 this week everyday to stay focused and productive! 2. Shoot 2 videos this week! 3. Progress towards the hackathon we are organizing!
New comment May 17
2 likes • May 13
You should try do deep work instead of the pomodoro technique to be more productive. It consists in a 90 minute work block. Breaking your concentration and forcing you to get out the flow of work every 25 minutes is why pomodoro not the best in my opinion. As it requires you to get a lot of mental energy to start a work session, having 90 minutes work and then a 15 minutes break should be even easier for you. Keep grinding bro !
1-3 of 3
Clément Touzet
14points to level up
21 years old. Developer.

Active 60m ago
Joined May 11, 2024
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