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Quantum Coaches

Private β€’ 105 β€’ $299/m

The BackPak

Private β€’ 34 β€’ $999/m

14 contributions to Quantum Coaches (Free)
11 more GIFS on this post to unlock the 7-figure Skool Training
Go drop a GIF here right now πŸ‘ˆπŸ½
New comment 22d ago
1 like β€’ 24d
2 likes β€’ 24d
LOL theres 10...lets go peeps!! Just one more!!
Do you want to see our plans to hit a 7-figure run rate in the next 2 months?
If 40 People would find this interesting and comment below with a GIF I will drop the training and include... - How we get traffic for $1 - The most chill "launch" method ever (that added $25k in mrr) - How we are able to close by chat - The sneaky way we sell high ticket through skools limitations - The Dream Team - Full Breakdown of expenses - How we do 50% profit margins - And how I am able to do it all working just 10 hours a week in client delivery - and the rest of the time is making cool stuff for clients and community How quick can we get 40 comments?
New comment 4d ago
Do you want to see our plans to hit a 7-figure run rate in the next 2 months?
1 like β€’ 24d
Day 2: Authority - Profiles
Went over my bio and I'm wondering how do I really Niche it down? I help you become aware of & release the weight of what's "really" weighing you down. 30 years of being a Mindsh*t to Powerful MindShift Specialist. I have links in linktree and rearranged them and put in a new one. A little about who I am. I totally would follow me....LOL!!!
New comment 26d ago
1 like β€’ 26d
Love this thanks for the feedback. Glad you found some value in it as well! #winning!
0 likes β€’ 26d
Day 3/4 Power Offers
To be honest, this was very helpful and challenging for me at the same time. The prompts were very well laid out however getting it all dialed in to fit into the single page offer sheet was a challenge. My biggest takeaway is that my current 1:1 offer shares a minimal amount of deliverables compared to all that I listed that are actually available for me to offer. I'm left with a few questions in regard to "Pathway" and "Process" section as I'm unsure how the metrics on the "Pathway" are generated and as far as the "Process" whether or not it is recommended to make it a multi step process or just different components in no particular order. Anyone have any input on this after reviewing how I set mine up?
New comment 29d ago
2 likes β€’ Aug 9
I can relate to the helpful and challenging. I went from Wooohoooo to OMG can I fufill on all of this, to Hell yes of course I can! At this moment I'm still working on the one page offer sheet. I'm glad I took a little break from mine to go and grab some inspriation from the GEMS. Thanks for sharing!!
Honest Question... Please share your honest feedback in comments πŸ™πŸΌ
Do you find all the resources we have inside our free skool community to be Overwhelming or Helpful? Would you prefer more or less information? Ie. How can I make the content in this community better.
New comment Aug 6
1 like β€’ Aug 6
I find it overwhelming right now as a newbie, and as someone who has shiny object syndrome & FOMO!! LOL!
1-10 of 14
Mind"Sh*t" to Powerful MIND"SHIFT" EXPERT. I help you to lose the "Real" weight 1 belief and 1 bite at a time!

Active 4h ago
Joined Jul 4, 2024
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