Getting to know you.. getting to know all about you 🎶🎹
The following are all the area's of my own expertise with many years and achievements in each, and so I want to help anyone else on this journey of transformation in all of the following, but it would be really helpful to know if you all have interest in these areas or if for you they are not connected. Could you please mark in order of your PRIORITY in the comments what interests you have from the following list for example if spiritual development was your main priority followed by burnout recovery and then starting a side hustle or online business it would be 6, 2, 4. Whereas if you are more interested in starting a business as well creating or manifesting success it would be 4,1 etc. 👉👉IN THE COMMENTS PLEASE WRITE IN ORDER OF PRIORITY: 1. Conscious Transformation aka Manifesting 2. Burnout recovery 3. Wellness and self care 4. Starting your own passion business (online/ digital) 5. Starting your own passion business (offline) 6. Spiritual development / Personal development 💫 Are they connected for you Poll: