Waking up to the polarity projection game...
It's become apparent to me that the worldwide collective ego is built on the word "revolution." And revolution has us bouncing back-and-forth on the duality polarity of the horizintal. Case-in-point, the recent "projection" game with the Olympics Opening ceremony: "Last Supper debasement or nod to a Bacchanalia celebration?" A revolution of opinion and judgment erupted. A revolution of ideas, condemnation, and commentary were stimulated. Revolution indicates revolving on a circle, so this could be the collective ego spinning its wheels in polarity thinking stuck on a 2D horizontal of thought. But revolution also has the word evolution in it, so if we wake up to the 2D polarity as 3D beings, and go vertical on 2D thinking, we evolve up the spiral dynamics. It's up to us to go vertical from the horizontal polarity of bouncing back-and-forth between good-bad, sacred-profane, smart-dumb, wise-foolish... and stop the bouncing, going vertical on the horizontal with a "yes, and..." what is the new thing that is seeking to arise beyond polarity thinking and the good-bad dynamics? Rumi said: "Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, There is a field. I'll meet you there." We can be the field of the new arising. Drop the projections and own them. Look at what was being projected out from within you. Love or hate? That is the evolution we are being asked to look at.