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26 contributions to LTC Ashram
Aaron Abke at THE BIG ONE...
Aaron taking the stage & talking about your emotional guidance system. And Kyle Cease's 12 Principles (that you can use for a check-in meditation).✨💜✨
New comment 2d ago
Aaron Abke at THE BIG ONE...
5 likes • 6d
Aaron's HEALING HO'OPONPONO HEALING SEGMENT: 1) What relationship(s) am I engaging in at any level w/ taking/keeping? 2) Where am I subconsciously withhholding love? 3) What is that person triggering in me? 4) What am I subconsciously controlling/using/"needing to change" in my life? 5) Where am I subconsciously using/controlling/changing someone? REQUALIFICATION: 6) How can I start to give/receive in a take/keep relationship? HOW AM I IN RELATIONSHIP TO EVERYTHING/EVERYONE (circumstance/appearance/situation/condition/event) AROUND ME!
1 like • 2d
Check out this podcast with Aaron. God, the elements, the metaphysics of the laws of love... through the lens of the Essene perspective
2 likes • Mar 22
I really like that long form you've created, @Mark Lord !
0 likes • Feb 6
Blessings and miracles ❤️
I call upon You, Benevolent Divine One to thank you for blessing us with your peace and your love , for taking all our cares and our worries and replacing them with peace. I thank you, brother Jesus for showing us the way, the truth, the life and the love that we are. I thank you, Holy Spirit for showing us the way through all the despair, knowing that you will be there for whatever I feel or whenever there appears to be tribulations and trials in my life. I thank you for replacing that with your piece, my peace, our peace, the peace of Oneness. I thank you for your wholeness. Your completeness and the truth and knowing that I am that. I asked that you show miracles to all of us today In every moment, this is the blessing I pray for - for all of us, this is the blessing that sustains. This is the true blessing to bring us to our Oneness that you may continue to show us, guide us and bring us to the peace we are. And so it is .
New comment Feb 11
3 likes • Feb 6
I love this, @Juliet S !! Thank you for sharing!!
Lessons 1-30: "impersonalizing the error" of attack thoughts...
Running ACIM Lessons 1-30 like an impersonalization of error practice for a negative self-identity imprint to release into the No-thingness from which it came! Lesson 1: Nothing I see in this condition called negative self-identity has any meaning. This condition/illusion/projection called negative self-identity is a neutral thing. It is an illusion w/ no power. Lesson 2: I have given everything in this condition called negative self-identity all the meaning it has for me. Lesson 3: I do not understand anything I see/think/feel around this situation called negative self-identity fears, negative self-identity illness, negative self-identity avoidance, negative self-identity healing, negative self-identity projections. Lesson 4: These negative self-identity thoughts do not mean anything. Lesson 5: I am never upset for the reason I think. (I think my separation is the “negative self-identity” thoughts but this is only the trigger for something deeper). Lesson 6: I am upset bc I see something that is not there. Lesson 7: I see only the past (thoughts, beliefs, conditioning, emotions, stories). Lesson 8: My mind is preoccupied with past (negative self-identity) thoughts. I seem to be thinking about__(all these negative self-identity thoughts/negative self-identity identifications/negative self-identity projections/name all the thoughts). My mind is preoccupied with past thoughts. Lesson 9: I see nothing as it is now. I see only a split negative self-identity mind. Lesson 10: My negative self-identity attack thoughts do not mean anything. Lesson 11: My meaningless negative self-identity thoughts are showing me a meaningless negative self-identity world of fear. Lesson 12: I am upset bc I see a meaningless negative self-identity reactive world. Lesson 13: A meaningless negative self-identity reactive world engenders fear. Lesson 14: God did not create this fear-driven negative self-identity story and fear thoughts of a meaningless negative self-identity reactionary world.
New comment Feb 11
1-10 of 26
Celeste Wolfe
10points to level up
May grace and kindness find you exactly where you are for LOVE is all there is.

Active 2d ago
Joined Aug 2, 2023
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