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Created by Caleb

Technological Citizens

Public • 10 • Free

As a Technological Citizen, I accept my responsibility to stay informed about rapid AI developments and the ethical dimensions they encompass.


Skool Community

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AIGI University

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3 contributions to Technological Citizens
e / acc
New comment Feb 8
e / acc
0 likes • Feb 8
Appreciate the post!! I can resonate and appreciate Beff Jezos enthusiasm for bringing truth to power, however he loses me a lot with his e/acc philosophy. In particular but not limited to when discussing lack of restrictions on anonymous accounts online. Seems like a slippery slope when thinking about using LLM’s to create artificial traction and movements online that have genuine influence on our society. Thought?
0 likes • Feb 8
That said I do love his enthusiasm for not falling into the same regulatory capture techniques we’ve seen time and time again on our societal front in relation to the AI landscape!
Feel Free to Introduce Yourself!!!
Hello all!! My name's Caleb, but most people call me Parkie. Feel free to regard me in whichever manner you please :) I'm a 22-year-old university student whose interests lie at the intersection of psychology, philosophy, technology, and literature. I started this group in anticipation of the launch of my novel "Let's Call You Dave": Decoding the Future with AI Dialogue.' You see, approximately nine months ago, I made the seemingly simple, dare I say tacky, decision to ask Artificial Intelligence about Artificial Intelligence and the transformative potential that lies within. Without any expectations or previously held presumptions, I voluntarily dove down the rabbit hole with an open mind and an eagerness to learn. Needless to say, as I've ventured down this rabbit hole, it's become glaringly obvious that we as a society are facing a whirlwind of dilemmas. My hope is that here, we can build a community of like-minded individuals who are eager to decipher and bring meaning to this daunting AI landscape. A group of individuals who are keen on engaging, debating, and learning how to utilize this emerging piece of technology. Together, we can strive towards a society that allows Artificial intelligence to amplify the human experience rather than diminish it. Please introduce yourselves and tell your fellow community members what brings you here! I'm looking forward to working, talking, brainstorming, and learning from you all!
Welcome Technological Citizens! 🎉
Hello, and a warm welcome to all our new members! We're thrilled to have you join our vibrant community of thinkers who are actively trying to decipher the implications of our AI era. As we embark on this exciting journey, we encourage you to dive into our starter courses – they're designed to set you up for success and make your experience here even more rewarding. Don't forget to mark each module as done to track your progress. Our community thrives on interaction, so feel free to post, comment, and engage as you go along. If you need any guidance or have questions, our community is here to support you. Start by checking out our two starter courses to get a feel for how things work around here. It's a great way to get familiar with all the features and opportunities that await you. Let's make this a journey to remember, filled with learning, growth, and, most importantly, adventure! Welcome aboard! 🚀
1-3 of 3
Caleb Parkhouse
5points to level up
With Artificial Intelligence, the limit really isnt the sky; its your ability to ask questions. On a journey to ask the right ones here.

Active 4d ago
Joined Jan 23, 2024
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