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GB Landlords

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98 contributions to GB Landlords
Renters Rights Bill
Just a heads up that the RRB is due in Parliament today and it will include an immediate ban on S21's. If you are thinking of selling a property or have a problem Tenant you may want to think about serving a S21 asap. Obviously having served it that does not mean you have to follow up on it but it does give you choices in the next 6 months. I am sure that this will be covered at our event on the 26th so if you have not booked your place then it may be worth coming along while we still have a few places left! Feel free to pass on the details to your friends! The link to book your place is
New comment 1d ago
Renters Rights Bill
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I have seen the following summary on the NRLA post and thought people may like to see what the Bill will offer you as a Landlord. The new Renters’ Rights Bill – what you need to know The new Renters’ Rights Bill has been published today; with the news the Government could introduce new rules as soon as next spring, for both new and existing tenancies. In its First Reading in the Commons the Government announced plans to: - End Section 21, the so-called ‘no fault eviction’ and abolish fixed-term tenancies – with a set of ‘robust’ new possession grounds requiring four months’ notice from landlords. - Limit in-tenancy rent rises to a single annual increase capped at market levels  - Introduce a Decent Homes Standard to the private rented sector with fines of up to £7,000 for failing to meet standards  - Extend Awaab’s Law to private renting – setting clear timeframes within which landlords must make homes safe where they contain serious hazards  - Create a digital private rented sector database with information for landlords, tenants, and councils  - Set up a new ombudsman service that will provide fair, impartial and binding resolution to both landlords and tenants, reducing the need to go to court  - Strengthen tenants’ rights, including: ability to challenge rent increases, ending rental ‘bidding wars’, and the right to request a pet – as well as making discrimination against tenants in receipt of benefits or with children illegal when choosing who to let to. Much of the content of the Bill, which covers England only, mirrors that in the previous government’s Renters (Reform) Bill. However, there are key differences, including: - Changes will apply to both new and existing tenancies at the same time – expected by summer 2025 - Tenants will be able to give notice from day one of the tenancy - Grounds such as the landlord needing to sell or move in will not be available in the first 12 months of the tenancy, and will require four months’ notice - The mandatory rent arrears ground will now require three months’ arrears and four weeks’ notice - Changes to the student possession ground, which will only apply to HMOs let entirely to students
All Day Property Event - 26th September 2024
The big day at the Britannia Airport Hotel is rapidly approaching and even at this late stage, we are pleased to announce that we have two new sponsors for the event. The Mortgage Works and Fleet Mortgages have both come on board to support the event today. We would like to thank them for their support and ask our family if they have dealings with them to mention their sponsorship so they know it is recognised! This will be once again a great event to attend with some great speakers who are not normally heard in the region and loads of Trade Stands offering services appropriate for Property professionals for you to browse in the breaks. If you were there last year you will know and if you missed it will probably have heard people talk about it! We dont expect any falling chandelier glasses this year though!! If you need to have CPD hours to meet Licensing requirements don't forget that just coming to this event will probably meet you full years requirement! All you need is a proof of attendance ticket!
New comment 2d ago
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sorry I forgot to add the link to book!
Hi can anyone send me a link to ico data
New comment Jul 13
1 like • Jul 13
You can register for GDPR compliance at the following Everyone should remember that if they hold any details of Tenants they should be registered with the ICO. If they have properties in their own name and also a company they should both be registered. There is a discount if you pay by DD.
Named and Shamed Social Providers!
The Ombudsman has produced a report to name and shame the Councils and social providers who are the worst offenders for complaints and standards in their properties. I am pleased to report that there are no local Councils or Social Providers mentioned in their list of worst offenders! If you wish to read the full article it can be accessed at Named and Shamed - 27 councils and social landlords a... (
Newcastle Landlord event presentation - Good Agents!!
Thank you to those who came along to Newcastle Councils event yesterday at the Falcons and stopped by my stand to say hello or with Paul Hampton from Approved Mortgage Solutions! It is always good to catch up with people we know and to meet new ones and tell them how great GB Landlords is at helping Landlords!! There was a great turnout and my presentation on How to choose a good Agent and Contractor seemed to be well received. Especially as there were a number of hands went up to say that they were not happy with their present Agent!! The big problem many Landlords have is that they put their complete trust in the Agent and "hope" they are doing everything correctly. I spoke to a couple of Landlords who had been left in the lurch when their Agent folded. As I stressed one way is to come along to meetings like GB Landlords and talk to other Landlords about who they use and if they are pleased with them. Funnily enough, we don't get a lot of Agents coming along to our events to network with potential customers and listen to the presentations unless they are there as a trade stand! The exception is probably Louise and Roger from Greetham Gilbert who always seem very happy to discuss anything with Landlords and offer help and guidance. If you are interested in what Paul and I had to say then Martin will be putting the slides into our classroom section in the near future. Dont forget to book your place at our big event on the 26th September! It will be amazing again!!
New comment Jul 23
1-10 of 98
Bruce Haagensen
4points to level up
Property professional with experience of Banking and running property related businesses. Been helping Landlords locally for many years

Active 4h ago
Joined Feb 3, 2023
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