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High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Public • 12.3k • Free

Skool Community

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4 contributions to High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool
I want to sell High Ticket, but my audience is 13-17
Hey guys! Hope you're all making money swiftly, I'll keep this concise to save you guys time but essentially: - I've made a free charisma community (lead magnet) - made a free mini course in their (w/ call to action at the end for a 1-on-1 free call) - I'll do a couple of free calls then charge for a paid 1-on-1 - Am making youtube content to get traffic But here's the problem... Kirby said to never sell anything under $500 correct? But what about 13-17 year olds? I'm also not sure the pain is strong enough for the 13-17 year old to buy something high ticket (unless I'm cracked at copywriting and articulating their problems of course) I don't have experience with this as I haven't presented any 13-17 year olds with an offer yet, but anyone with any experience with this audience age and think otherwise? any ideas? Cheers guys.
New comment Jul 22
1 like • Jul 19
@Gabriel Vertrees yeah but would I be able to teach confidence and charisma to people above my age? Im 17
0 likes • Jul 20
@Andrew Kirby So sell to: 1) rich 13-17 year olds 2) ages above also
Existing Audience: DON'T Niche Down
Hello, this is advice for a specific group of people. Mainly: - People with an already established audience on social media - People that don't know what exactly they should sell to their audience I'll show you an approach to how you can find out what people actually want to buy, how you can help your audience, and find out your offer. Even if you don't have an existing audience, you can use this strategy to book your first call in the next few days and even make your first sale! It's EXACTLY what I'm doing right now and how I made my first $250. So watch this video, I'll explain everything: Google Doc for the script/strategy:
New comment Jun 26
Existing Audience: DON'T Niche Down
0 likes • Jun 25
Hey Tobi, I like that you've solved a problem for a very specific group of people and I've went ahead and checked out your channel on youtube and i didn't even realise you were the guy that did the "5 stages of self-improvement" video! I remember that shit came up on my recommend a while back. but anyway my question is: what would you suggest for a guy with 1.2k subs but most of them are like inactive (cuz i attracted most of them with a tate edit that I now have deleted) there's I'd say only a good 100 (if that) people that are there for me. Do I do this what you suggested above in the video? or do go all in on solving a specific problem and making specific content like andrew kirby said? e.g teaching charisma or whatever love
1 like • Jun 26
@Tobi K. Deadass? I had that thought in the back of my head for a while actually. Do you say that because youtube shows your video to subs first? Im fearing that thats the reason why my videos arent performing. Oh and btw How much is your youtube coaching?
Question: But aren't we the niche?
Andrew Kirby told us to solve a specific problem, make specific content, make a product that solves that specific problem. But doesn't that go against the advice of "Escape competition through authenticity?" or "You're are the niche?" Long ago I remember everyone preaching that. And now everyone preaches niching down? Apologies if I'm not seeing things clearly but isn't this contradictory?
New comment Jun 25
2 likes • Jun 24
@Andrew Kirby Holy shit I didn’t realise you replied. Kinda crazy to have my post get seen by the man himself. I totally get what you’re saying about it being the straightest path to making money by solving specific problems that specific people have, and I think i might try it. But, would you even be able to expand yourself to broad afterwards? E.g im thinking solving charisma or mindset issues for people but what if it becomes a prison and I want to start teaching fitness? Thanks
0 likes • Jun 24
@Benjamin Haines Yeah I don’t know where exactly ive heard this from before but whenever theres a mass movement in one direction there will always be a mass movement in the other direct e.g no one thought online entrepreneurship was cool, now everyone does or vegan and carnivore and i guess in this case its with niching down and you are the niche
The New $10,000/month Model
If I could rewind time… To before I made millions online... Before I worked with Hamza, TeachingMensFashion, Leon Hendrix, Rian Doris and countless others... Before I was traveling the world in beautiful airbnbs… To the time where I was stuck studying a useless marketing degree, on the path to a job I hated, desperate to find a way to go full-time online doing what I loved. There’s 1 specific business model that I would implement, that would take me on the direct path to $10,000/month. It’s a proven business model with a brand-new twist thanks to a new feature Skool shipped less than 24 hours ago. And if you hate me for sounding cocky in the first few sentences, hopefully, you'll love me by the end of this post where I'll share exactly how you can implement this biz model step by step, for free. "This is the new fast path to money if you’re a beginner" - Alex Hormozi // What is the business model? Well, beginners trying to go full-time online face four problems: 1. No one knows who you are 2. You don’t know what to sell 3. You aren’t an expert 4. You have no authority/positioning This has always been why it's so slow, painful, and tedious to start earning an income on the internet. // What if there was a solution? What if there was a way for you to: 1. Get attention 2. Figure out what to sell 3. Become an expert 4. Be positioned as an authority If you had those four things, do you think you'd be able to make money? // Good news. There is now a way to get attention, figure out what to sell, become an expert, and be positioned as an authority in a relatively short period of time. Finally! A proven process for people in a 9-5/students/beginner-creators to go full-time online. There's two simple parts to the "New Monetization Model" Ready to hear what it is? // So that the model clicks, let me explain it in a story. A while ago I was helping Rian Doris, an 8-figure entrepreneur, build his YouTube channel. I ended up helping him go from 0 → 100,000 subscribers in 6 months.
New comment 2d ago
The New $10,000/month Model
2 likes • Jun 22
But wouldn't you helping hamza and also rian doris make more money and get more views instantly give you credibility? And then therefore giving you authority to make that "creator monetization" group? What If you're just a 17 year old that teaches and knows alot about self-improvement but doesn't specialise in any specific area in it?
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Benji Li
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Active 2h ago
Joined Jun 18, 2024
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