15d ago (edited) in Money💰
The New $10,000/month Model
If I could rewind time…
To before I made millions online... Before I worked with Hamza, TeachingMensFashion, Leon Hendrix, Rian Doris and countless others... Before I was traveling the world in beautiful airbnbs…
To the time where I was stuck studying a useless marketing degree, on the path to a job I hated, desperate to find a way to go full-time online doing what I loved.
There’s 1 specific business model that I would implement, that would take me on the direct path to $10,000/month.
It’s a proven business model with a brand-new twist thanks to a new feature Skool shipped less than 24 hours ago.
And if you hate me for sounding cocky in the first few sentences, hopefully, you'll love me by the end of this post where I'll share exactly how you can implement this biz model step by step, for free.
"This is the new fast path to money if you’re a beginner" - Alex Hormozi
What is the business model?
Well, beginners trying to go full-time online face four problems:
1. No one knows who you are
2. You don’t know what to sell
3. You aren’t an expert
4. You have no authority/positioning
This has always been why it's so slow, painful, and tedious to start earning an income on the internet.
What if there was a solution?
What if there was a way for you to:
  1. Get attention
  2. Figure out what to sell
  3. Become an expert
  4. Be positioned as an authority
If you had those four things, do you think you'd be able to make money?
Good news.
There is now a way to get attention, figure out what to sell, become an expert, and be positioned as an authority in a relatively short period of time.
Finally! A proven process for people in a 9-5/students/beginner-creators to go full-time online.
There's two simple parts to the "New Monetization Model"
Ready to hear what it is?
So that the model clicks, let me explain it in a story.
A while ago I was helping Rian Doris, an 8-figure entrepreneur, build his YouTube channel.
I ended up helping him go from 0 → 100,000 subscribers in 6 months.
But it took a lot of my time...
So whilst I was doing that, I decided to help my YouTuber friend Hamza monetize his audience.
He went from $20,000/month to $200,000/month in a month...
And it hardly took any of my time.
So I decided to start helping other educational YouTubers with 100,000+ subscribers.
The only issue…
I was going into a brand new niche
I had 0 audience of these people.
They had no idea who I was.
They didn't trust I could deliver the results I thought I could.
How did I get attention, build trust, and gain authority in a BRAND NEW niche?
I thought long and hard about this until I came up with a solution.
A free Skool community (https://www.skool.com/monetize)
Why did I do this?
This helped me get attention because whenever I reached out to another YouTuber, instead of trying to sell them something, I offered them my free community. The ultimate lead magnet. This made it so much easier to get their attention.
Because I was helping them for free, they quickly trusted me.
Because I was the creator of a group, I was positioned as an authority. Anyone who creates a community becomes an authority. “He created a community about this, he must be good”.
The free community was the perfect place for me to hone my skills and get better at my craft. I quickly got better and better at the skill until I felt confident charging people. If you’re not great at any skill, a free community helps you develop.
Because I ended up with a group full of my target audience, I didn't have to spend months figuring out what I should sell... They told me what they wanted, and I gave it to them.
This ended up generating me well over $100,000, some massive partnerships, and a bunch of amazing relationships.
All because I started with a free Skool Community.
Part 1/2 of the "New Monetization Model":
Free Skool Community
This is the fastest way I know to get attention, figure out what to sell, become an expert, and be positioned as an authority.
Therefore, the fastest path to monetization.
I know hundreds of people who make stupid money by having a free Facebook group. This is just the new and improved version
What's Part 2?
What do I actually sell to those people?
Well, there's 4 things we could sell...
  1. DO IT YOURSELF (Courses)
  2. DONE WITH YOU AND OTHERS (Paid Communities, Group Coaching, Cohort Based Courses)
  3. DONE WITH YOU (1 on 1 Coaching)
  4. DONE FOR YOU (Services)
1 + 2 are the most scalable, but the hardest to sell (because all the work has to be done by the buyer)
3 + 4 are the least scalable, but the easiest to sell (because more of the work is done by you)
So the easiest way for a beginner to make a few thousand dollars online is to sell 1 on 1 coaching or done-for-you-services.
But the tech has always been incredibly hard to sell one-time purchases.
You need to setup a landing page software like Clickfunnels. Then you need to set up a checkout page with Stripe or Thrivecart. Then you need to connect the two with Zapier. And then you need a place to deliver the product.
But literally yesterday Skool released a new update that makes this 10x easier.
This is the NEW thing I’ve been talking about all this time.
The update is…
Simple 1-time purchases from within your community.
Meaning someone can be within your community, and then with one click can purchase your one-time product in seconds.
So putting it all together…
The New Monetization Model:
Free Skool + 1on1 coaching/done-for-you services
^ this is the fastest path to monetization as a beginner
The free group allows you to get attention, build trust and authority, and become an expert.
The 1on1 coaching/done-for-you services is the fastest way to monetize.
Skool’s new feature allows you to put the two together seamlessly. The most elegant solution to monetization.
You get 10 people inside of your free community, that'll result in 1 sale of a $999 1on1coaching package or done-for-you service
You get 100 people inside of your free community, that'll result in 10 sale of a $999 1on1coaching package or done-for-you service, which results in $9,999! Not too bad…
Those that execute well can be making thousands in a few months.
Now your questions may be:
  • What should my free group be about?
  • How do I get people to join my free group?
  • How do I sell people from my free group to my paid?
Well, to help you answer those questions, I'm running a cohort based course walking you through the whole process.
And it's free!
At this point you'll be in one of two camps:
  2. I can kind of understand how powerful this is, but I need more information.
If you are in Camp 2, watch this YouTube video in full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjOIX6nPjJ8&
If you are in Camp 1, let's gooo! Here's the steps you'll need to start making money with this model.
Not only will this let you start your Free Skool group, you'll get $16,199 of free stuff.
  • Weekly Q&A call with me and Hormozi ($10,000 value)
  • Monthly mastermind 1-day recordings with me and Hormozi ($10,000 value)
  • Full Skool course from Alex Hormozi ($1,000 value)
  • Weekly Cohort Call on the NEW best way to monetize with me ($5,000 value)
  • 20 interviews with me and The Skool Games winners ($100 value)
  • Exclusive Skool Games community ($100 value)
  • The actual Skool software ($99 value - no other paid software needed)
It's a nobrainer. Sign up now. You can always cancel the free trial.
Step 2: To get your first few members in your community, follow this tutorial. It'll only take 90 seconds. And it will double your likelihood of success on Skool (backed by data).
Do this now.
Step 3: If you're unsure what your group should be about, this is a step by system to help you decide. It'll take roughly 10 minutes.
Now is the time to take action!
If you keep doing the same things, you’ll keep getting the same results.
If you do the work, your life will change.
To your success,
Andrew Kirby
The New $10,000/month Model
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