I think it's aways good to see from the puck prospective. I see a lot of goalies keep hands really high trying to protect top net and forgetting about the scoring box. Having try to push hands down quick to make a save that there hands should already be in position and just need minor adjustments. This is about 15 feet out with goalies with toes on top of crease or on there base depth. I use this set up to help goalies with box control and understanding what angle the puck has to come get in the back of net. I use two long dog leashes to help build box and couple marker poles into two by four with screws sticking out of four corners to keep it from moving on the ice and just some flagging to make top. Here is some pictures of good box control and some bad from small goalie and a big. Giving a goalie a visual box seems to really help them in my experience. Really seems to help them get active hands out in front of them. Taking pictures from ice level is also a great tool.