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Created by Benedek

The "Leverager"

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artistically package your impactful idea.


Synthesizer School

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Digital Persuasion School

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Instagram Engineering

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Coaching 101 (Build + Scale)

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426 contributions to Synthesizer School
I'm feeling stuck...
I'd been uploading videos for 5 months and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I just feel like shit, putting in so much effort and then getting a few views. I'm really grateful for any reviews here: I appreciate it.
New comment 7d ago
0 likes • 10d
@Nik Tivadar I got it from watching the film booth leon hendrix interview, I'm currently in the process of developing a new one
0 likes • 10d
@Nik Tivadar video editing currently and slowly getting into youtube strategy for business owners
How I became an NPC...
I was kinda in building mode the last year and today I woke up to this view: (attached below) Yeah it looks beautiful I know, and no, this post won't be about some bullshit of work hard or anything like that. The truth is I was afraid to come to Bali, I was in "monk mode" for so long, and not the 2-8 week sprint type of monk mode, it wasn't even monk mode anymore it was just my life... I consumed so much self-improvement and business content that everything has to be filtered thru the question: is this beneficial? Will this make me better? and when I mean everything I mean EVERYTHING, I was afraid to come to Bali because I knew I had this filter and I wanted to do stuff here that I just love to do and it doesn't necessarily make me "better" I forced myself into this optimizer identity and I lost my creativity, personality and playfulness towards life. ​ But this made me stuck... I stopped having great ideas, that aliveness left me and I even forgot what was the reason I was working for. One day on my YouTube feed some random channel came up about some guy documenting his "monk mode" I was curious about the video and I made a prediction about the guy's personality before clicking: "he will probably lack aliveness, will have that sleepy voice and will talk about his routine" I said to myself and I was 100% spot on, I knew this because practically this is how I lived... but the truth is that after a while it started to have diminishing returns, not even diminishing returns it's just practically got me nowhere. ​(I touched more on this in my new video)​ ​ so I decided to reverse engineer the times when I achieved the most, made the most money, had great connections and was the most fulfilled and I realized that at that time I was just being myself, sharing, consuming and creating stuff that I just enjoyed. I think now I understand what Naval meant by saying "escape competition thru authenticity"
New comment 16d ago
the longer your resist specificity, the longer this journey will take
a golden nugget form building a personal monopoly with David Perell and Jack Butcher also here are my figmajam brainstorm notes #Build a personal monopoly
New comment 29d ago
2 likes • Jan '23
@Paul Masters agree
0 likes • 29d
@Betty Van yeah the whole building a personal monopoly was inspired by Naval
I beat resistance and finaly made a new video
A thing very few people talk about is how easy is to fall off of the "content flywheel" you can get to the point when content creation is effortless and you create value after value, but if you fall off and you stop the momentum it's pretty easy to regress back, I personally haven't published any high-quality video that I was proud of in the last 1 year, because of traveling, helping business owners grow on youtube and honestly the main main reason was just the fact that I was deeply afraid of my video not performing. Because if I half-ass a video and it flops I can blame it on the fact that "yeah I didn't put everything into this video" however if I put in a lot of effort into my video and I do what I believe is the best way to create content and it flops, that can hurt. I was delaying uploading this video because I knew it wasn't perfect, but if I don't make a deadline then I will never publish and as the saying goes: "Art is never finished, only abandoned." resistance can manifest in so many different ways, for some people its half-assing the video so they can blame it on that if it flops, for someone its perfectionism so they never publish, for someone its delaying uploading that first video, or justifying why this one thing that just came up in the business is more important than creating content, for others they say I will first hit XYZ income goal and after it I start creating content, your brain will create the perfectly written sales letter of why not to publish that video, but you have to notice it and do it anyway. "oh the lights could have been better" "I should have worked more on the editing" "why did I choose this idea, its so hard to package" I mean it's not perfect I know, but instead of wanting to make all these improvements I just want to press upload and promise myself that everything I don't like with this one I will implement into the next one. And as always feedback is appreciated and I'm curious how do you guys remain consistent with content?
New comment Apr 12
1 like • Apr 12
@Corey Bennett Boardman it's good to be back 🙌 now I just have to focus on building up the momentum
The blurry line between Authentic Value vs Low Effort video
I had a hypothesis about content that turns out was false. So lately I became a little bit busier with business, putting content at the side but I started to see a weird pattern in the business youtube space, lot of successful guys just create raw, unedited, authentic videos that get much more views than their overedited content. I saw this trend with authentic content/authentic editing, and also I just had little time for content creation. So I had this idea: What if I double down on value, only use bullet points instead of scripting, no editing, and just use simple thumbnails. It sounded good on paper: "people are not here for fancy editing or thumbnails they are here for value and authenticity" I started to post video after video, but somehow it just doesnt resonated with the audience the videos didnt got too many views and they kinda flopped if this would have been my first video I would just say I should keep going but because I had evidence that I'm able to get views (for context the video before it got 1k+ views) I realised that the problem is with the content. And I overlooked a huge thing: CONTEXT & EFFORT so after trying to understand why my videos flopped and other channels got 100k+ views I came to 2 realisation: 1. Sam Ovens, Charlie Morgan, Andrew Kirby has the authority that justifies a 1 hour long uncut video. if I sit down in front of the camera and talk for one hour, the audience asks: Why should I spend my time listening to this guy? He didn't even take the effort to edit this video.... If Sam Ovens or any other established authority sits down in front of the camera for an hour, people think: Oh it's so cool I can listen to a multi millionare's ideas, it feels like as I would be in the same room as him, he is sharing soo much value in this video! I think who you are matters just as much as what you say and you have to consistently show up and associate your name and reputation with quality and value and than you will build out trust with your audience
New comment Apr 12
2 likes • Apr 12
@Alan Paul hmm interesting I think its solid points but I wouldnt say one is better than the other like proof of work is better than authority or pure value because I think these are kinda synergistic, however what you mentioned on the top one thing I'm exploring a lot and I would add is "packaging". Packaging is practically how the all of these things are being presented, you can be an authority by saying you made X amount or record in a nice villa, you can share great value but you can also visualise those ideas making it easier to understand and more valuable for the viewer. What I'm trying to say is that design and positioning plays a huge role also in success on youtube (or at least this is what I think lately)
1 like • Apr 12
thanks @Andrew Kirby, do you also see this pattern in the Great Online Game, that design and positioning are becoming more important? I remember when you linked that tweet from Zach Pogrob
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Benedek Santa
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Building my personal brand while helping others on the way

Active 1d ago
Joined Dec 2, 2021
Citizen of the internet
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