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18 contributions to I.M. Profit Seekers
Email Sales Funnel
This model of email marketing has been working great for me for over a decade. Enjoy!
New comment 14d ago
Email Sales Funnel
1 like • 21d
Thank you so much for sharing! Have you modified it at all over the past 10 years, or everything is exactly the same?
Video training
Hey guys, was thinking about sharing some video training with the community, but didn't want to makes something that's not helpful so I thought I'd ask! 😀 What would be the most helpful training to see for you? Obviously, I'll only make training about content I have experience with. Thanks for your feedback. Mike.
New comment 23d ago
1 like • 23d
I would *adore* any videos regarding automation about anything in business. Thankee!
The Latest Scariness with AI - A Doozy
The Background Long long ago (back in December 2022), ChatGPT by OpenAI was released. And then towards the end of 2023, the main ChatGPT creator, Sam Altman, was let go by the company which resulted in quite the panic - one never wants to hear that one's cherished inventor, so to say, was gently airdropped to the curbside. To wit: "... Sam Altman is the co-founder and CEO of OpenAI, the organization behind ChatGPT. He also co-founded Y Combinator, a renowned startup accelerator responsible for companies like Airbnb, Dropbox, and Stripe. Altman is a prominent figure in the tech world, recognized for his intelligence and vision. He is dedicated to using AI to address global challenges like climate change and disease and emphasizes responsible and ethical AI development. Under his guidance, OpenAI has pioneered advanced AI solutions, with ChatGPT being a notable example. Altman aims to make such technologies universally accessible and leverage AI for global betterment...." Who Invented ChatGPT has all of that info. A week later, Sam returned and promptly got rid of the board. And yesterday, one of the board members finally spoke out about the whole rigamarole like so: "...When ChatGPT came out [in] November 2022, the board was not informed in advance about that. We learned about GPT on Twitter," Toner alleged. "Sam didn't inform the board that he owned the OpenAI startup fund, even though he constantly was claiming to be an independent board member with no financial interest in the company. On multiple occasions he gave us inaccurate information about the small number of formal safety processes that the company did have in place, meaning that it was basically impossible for the board to know how well those safety processes were working or what might need to change...." explains more about said rigamarole, and the podcast where this was discussed can be found at
Silicon Sultans?
Came across this earlier; it has some good lessons for all of us. =-=-= Robber barons and silicon sultans =-=-= "IN THE 50 years between the end of the American civil war in 1865 and the outbreak of the first world war in 1914, a group of entrepreneurs spearheaded America’s transformation from an agricultural into an industrial society, built gigantic business empires and amassed huge fortunes. In 1848 John J. Astor, a merchant trader, was America’s richest man with $20m (now $545m). By the time the United States entered the first world war, John D. Rockefeller had become its first billionaire. In the 50 years since Data General introduced the first mini-computers in the late 1960s, a group of entrepreneurs have spearheaded the transformation of an industrial age into an information society, built gigantic business empires and acquired huge fortunes. When he died in 1992, Sam Walton, the founder of Walmart, was probably America’s richest man with $8 billion. Today Bill Gates occupies that position with $82.3 billion. The first group is now known as the robber barons. The second lot—call them the silicon sultans—could face a similar fate. Like their predecessors, they were once revered as inventive mould-breakers, delivering gadgets to the masses. But just like Rockefeller and the other “malefactors of great wealth”, these new capitalists are losing their sheen. They have been diversifying into businesses that have little to do with computers, while egotistically proclaiming that they alone can solve mankind’s problems, from ageing to space travel. More pointedly, they stand accused of being greedy businessfolk who suborn politicians, employ sweatshop labour, stiff other shareholders and, especially, monopolise markets. Rockefeller once controlled 80% of the world’s supply of oil: today Google has 90% of the search market in Europe and 67% in the United States. Together, the two groups throw light on some of the most enduring themes of American history—both the country’s extraordinary ability to generate vast wealth and its enduring ambivalence about concentrations of power. Henry Ford, the youngest of the robber barons, once said that history is more or less bunk. He was wrong. The silicon sultans have the advantage of being able to learn from their predecessors’ mistakes. It is not entirely clear that they are doing so.
New comment May 21
? Your own 1 product website?
Ever have an insane desire to create an entire website about just 1 product, say, Dollar Shave or CrateJoy Subscription Boxes or the like? Ever then sprout 953 more grey hairs when you realize that such website templates can be a weeeeeee bit difficult to find? Well! Have no fear because shows you not 1, not 2, but 27 one product websites that you can use for inspiration! And you know, inspiration can be quite wonderful because you can think to yourself: "Jeepers self, I wonder if that site was bulit on Wordpress and if so, what theme does it use?" Panic no more, my intrepid readers, for coming to your rescue is: which will tell you what theme a WP site is using AND what plugins are (wait for it) plugged in as well! Heck, you can enter and then discover: "Unfortunately is not using WordPress or it is heavily modified to hide that it is using WordPress." Well! Humph! How rude it is for sites to use something OTHER than WP so you can scout out its inner workings fast! (OK true, we could always right click and view source and then realize it's a Shopify template built with Wordpress - the profusion of the word "Shopify" like so: "...var Shopify = Shopify || {}; = ""; Shopify.locale = "en"; Shopify.currency = {"active":"USD","rate":"1.0"}; = "US"; Shopify.theme = {"name":"production","id":138602774825,"theme_store_id":null,"role":"main"}; Shopify.theme.handle = "null"; = {"id":null,"handle":null}; Shopify.cdnHost = ""; Shopify.routes = Shopify.routes || {}; Shopify.routes.root = "/";<"
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Barb Ling
31points to level up
1/2 of DAB Coaching

Active 8d ago
Joined Apr 30, 2024
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