Why should you strive to get the 🔥?
If you have been around the skool community, you probably have seen the 🔥 next to some peeps names! It means they have been consistently active on the skool platform for 30 days in a row! How consistent? At least 10 activities a day, could be liking 10 comments/posts, leaving 10 comments on others posts, posting 10 times anywhere on the platform, or 10 votes on polls, it can be any combo of those but at least 10 a day, and the skool clock runs on UTC… if you miss a day your clock starts over again. Why is this important? Because it helps you get in the mode of taking action and being consistent, which will directly correlate to building your community and making money online. Should you make 10 posts in 5 min in your space? Prolly not, it’s important to also provide value with your interactions and activities, not just go after the emoji or points etc. This part of the consistency helps get your mindset in a place where you are focusing on how much value can I provide, instead of how much money or points can I gain. Why is that important? Because focusing on points/money soley is a version of lack mindset, whereas coming from a viewpoint of how much value can I provide in 10 interactions today is an abundance mindset, because what you sow and put into the world does bring a harvest. Make it a point to interact in your space, and in other spaces you are in! Before you say you aren’t on skool every day etc, that’s fine, everyone has different reasons etc, just make sure it’s not an excuse that’s holding you back from making steps that could transform your life in ways you can’t even fathom 😉 👇🏻 If you are working towards the flame and don’t have it yet, tell us how many days you have till you’ve got it! If you have it drop your favorite fire GIF below 🔥