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Just ADD "Magic"

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Eliminate overwhelm, Find your why, Clarify your purpose. We'll start with you using Your breath.


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16 contributions to Just ADD "Magic"
Life isn't always easy. Repeat what is good for you. Real Magic.
When I first got reintroduced to Wim Hof breathing I thought... "Holy Siiiet! Why did I ever stop doing this. I realized I was using it for my benefit, but not daily, or with greater purpose. I find that now, since I always feel Better After Doing it... And realize this fact... ...I just make sure to do it daily. In fact I have a list of about 27 things I do each day that make me feel better when I do them. Hoooold UP! Im not just some robot doing and repeating things over and over without purpose or in a miserable attitude. AAAND!... I'm not just making a list of habits and That's it. I STILL! USE REAL MAGIC! The whole "Go With The Flow" is a big mantra I have... BUT!!! I had a teacher once who said... Thomas, your Intuition is great, but you could really benefit by strengthening your reasoning skills. LOL... Seriously... He also told me. "Your Hindsight is great, its your forsight you have to work on." Genuinely, I use both, almost at all times now... Reasoning, & Intuition... And I think you need to do both. I think that's why I started this group on helping people ADD Magic To their life with Breathwork and Presence Tactics. And though I may only have 10 people that occasionally check my messages, I get comments here and there... and it gives me more clarity when I share the benefits in real life... And Im not just "Some "Cooky" Guy who worked at a holistic center that helped people create miracles in their life with "new age medicine"" I genuinely understand the benefits of what I teach. Come join us. Do Wim Hof Breathing Cycles Daily to start.... They will benefit you IMMEDIATELY! In the short & Long Term... Especially if you keep doing them! Trust me... Just decide to do it today. And why not again tomrorow... and reapeat THAT! as Your Mantra... It's 11 minutes... IT IS LITERALLY!!! 0.77% of your day... not 7.7... 0.77% LESS THAN 1% of your day AND GUESS WHAT!!! It FEEEELS GOOD AFTER... YOU GET CLARITY>>>!!! GO JOIN US DAILY AT
Impress Your Breath With Your Thoughts...
And get more of what you truly desire. Have you ever realzied this is the case? If you don't believe this, please comment and lets dialogue.
Impress Your Breath With Your Thoughts...
Remote Work is easy W/ a Why & clarity.
About a year ago I made this video talking about a simple mantra tactic. I legit would use it almost any time. When I was scared, confused, work was difficult. Frankly, it would evolve my why. I figured I'd post this video because, after I do Wim Hof in the sauna... I'll take a cold shower and what gets me through those cold showers most easily is a simple mantra (that I often repeat in my mind) to pay attention to and deep breathing/flexing my muscles/making loud sounds if needed LOL. It's true. Mainly Though... I wanted to share this Video Because it talks of an ancient Hawaiian Healing principal. It attaches oneself to the four phrases: I Love You, I Am Sorry, Please, Forgive Me, Thank You. And When I do this mantra, I'll have friends, family, and even no one or random strangers sometimes come to mind with a specific moment in my memory that has happened that I am genuinely connected with one of those above phrases too /\ Gratitude, forgiveness, etc... Or sometimes Just some imagined situation... And FRANKLY! after doing it... I always feel a bit better... Scientifically involving Quantum Entanglement, it does seem as though it is healing someone of something... Often myself. And that get's me through life More Easily... and feeling more aware. Watch Here: p.s. Oh and... when walking to and from work ( if you're remote or not ) repeating this as a mantra will set up your day for more success. p.p.s. I also use: I Am Intelligent, I Am Centered, I Understand, I Have Clarity. GOOD LUCK! KEEP AT IT! If You don't Quit... You can Achieve it! Just please make it a good goal... not stuff that hurts, but stuff that Helps People! ~ty Thommy p.p.s. If You haven't introduced yourself in the community yet and what you want from it... Why not now?!
Remote Work is easy W/ a Why & clarity.
Day 4 of Just ADD Magic
Watch Video and take action. You should at this point have done 4 consecutive days of wim hof breathing cycles. At least 3 consecutive cycles... Often times if I'm feeling Really Good... or Not As Relaxed as I wish... I do one more cycle cuz I'm just starting to "feel it after the 2nd or 3rd cycle completion. 11 minute guided Wim Hof Session: 4 cycle Wim Hof with slower pace of breathing: This 4 cycke Wim Hof is faster paced, with 40 breaths within each breath hold/retention: The Soma Breathing, if you haven't watched yet listen to intro: Use your intuition and try out what your feeling that fits your time... BUT TO KEEP MOMENT Growing... and Your Actual Mind to "evolve" ( not sure if it's actually evolving, but I'll use that terminology because it is really noticeably changing my way of life for the better ). I appreciate you... At minimum do a set of Wim Hof Breathing Cycles Today! CHEERS! & BEST WISHES!!! ~ty Thommy
Day 4 of Just ADD Magic
I'm in.
Only 11 minutes a day. I'm in. Let's see this magic happen. @Thommy Ty what time of day is best to do this?
New comment 4d ago
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Straight Monique! If 11 is all you got! I recommend (not on a full stomach, I usually try emptier) early mornings or in middle of day when you're lost with speed of taking action or clarity on the project you're working on. Day one should have the link (actually day 1,2and3 should all have it) Eventually I think you'll find that you want to add some of the other practices I recommend or add in another Wim Hof cycle... (Extra few minutes) But for now... ...I just highly highly recommend using your intuition and reasoning mind with the first Wim Hof 11 minute guided breathing. (It's the Teal One) I did only that once (sometimes twice a day) for several weeks and a few of the times started doing it in the sauna for added... Difficulty? ... Boost? It was good... ...but essentially within those few weeks I had so many aligned thoughts of clarity... Epiphanic Moments I call them... And I just kept going. Long response yes, but please feel free to ask for clarity if you have questions. If you ever don't have the Skool app... ... You can literally search YouTube: 11 minute guided Wim Hof Breathing session.
1-10 of 16
Thommy Ty
6points to level up
The Ty stands for True Gratitude cuz when I see you... Even if I don't like you my senses Appreciate You.

Active 3h ago
Joined Oct 21, 2024
Windsor, United Kingdom
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