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597 contributions to The IRL Game 🌎
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
Yesterday, I was chatting with my friend about a photo that I think about daily. It's the photo about the wolf and sheep. First, I'll explain the photo if there are still confusions. The wolf tells the sheep, "you were born to feed me. I was born to kill you. This is our reality." He is honest, but he is not kind. There is brutality in his eyes, violence in his fur. The sheep stays at his spot, seemingly giving up in running away. The wolf considers this a kindness on his part. To not struggle is to sacrifice, and that is a kindness the wolf appreciates. But the sheep is not honest with his kindness. He does not tell the wolf about the trap that lays underneath its paws. He is silent in the confrontation between prey and predator. There is no evil or good in this pic. There is only humanity depicted by a wolf and a sheep. I remember seeing it for the first time—I asked myself, what does it mean by kindness without honesty? What kindness is there without a shred of honesty? And how brutal can honesty be without kindness? My questions seem redundant but I did question alot about it 😂. What do you think? This pic made me and my friend do a philosophy hour lmao.
New comment 12h ago
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
3 likes • 13h
@Obioma Ihionu exactly! I don't know why it makes me fall asleep easily, it depends on the books, if they are pocket books, I know I can finish it in a day.
3 likes • 13h
@Chris Wilson i think I get this, we can always be kind but not always honest, honesty can hurt someone
Classroom 1: Emotional Intelligence
You're probably wondering what on earth this is... can you be Emotionally Smart? Emotional intelligence is less about academics and more about street smarts in the business world. It is split into 4 sections: - Self Awareness - Self Management - Social Awareness/ Empathy - Relationship Management/ Social Skills Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your own emotions and understand the emotions of those around you. Self Awareness is simply being able to understand what emotions you are having right now, and whether you are leading with emotions or with reason. Sometimes in business, and with people, emotions can take over our actions and make things worse... checking yourself at the door means you can choose to handle things more effectively by removing the emotion in the situation and use this to solve a problem, diffuse tension or to look at issues objectively rather than taking it personally. As a Leader, Self Awareness is important because your emotional state can affect the team's emotions and reactions. If you walk in positive and purposeful, it is easy to raise the motivation within your team to get the work done with smiles and joy. If you let the blown tire on the way into work cloud your mind and you walk in angry, your team will not know about the blown tire etc and will be walking on egg shells the rest of the day. Left unchecked, your emotions could lead to snappy comments and you may say or do something that harms your relationship with your team. Self Management/ regulation is the ability to understand you are angry at the tire... but choosing to take an extra minute or 2 to compose yourself and choose to push on and have a good day despite the not-so-good start. It is the ability to receive bad news or top-down stress and choosing NOT to pass the stress on to the team, however, you choose to turn it into a constructive mission to things resolved. Social Skills (sounds like a simple one) - It is picking up on other people's emotions and choosing how to respond. Some people need a word of encouragement, others a space to vent and be heard...
New comment 10h ago
Classroom 1: Emotional Intelligence
2 likes • 1d
@Christopher Hope there is no designated, so people can just go wherever, but the thing is people from the city will have to drive 2 to 3 hrs and find these spots, if you are not too familiar with it, accidents might happen. Like drastic flow of the river and etc
0 likes • 13h
@Christopher Hope Philippines
The first quest
I sometimes get stuck in cycles of instant gratification, going for quick rewards instead of focusing on long-term goals. This leads to feeling like I’m not reaching my full potential, whether it's in work, health, or how I handle money. My ideal self would be more disciplined and make choices that help me grow. To bridge the gap, I can start by setting small goals and focusing on habits that lead to long-term success. How about you? What’s one habit you’d change today to get closer to your ideal self?
New comment 10h ago
0 likes • 13h
You go girl! I am rooting for you and for your next quest
Weekend Vibes: Work & Family Time
The weekend’s almost here! What’s everyone up to? I’ll be working most of it, but I’ll squeeze in some family time with a little nature getaway to escape the work stress.
New comment 7h ago
Weekend Vibes: Work & Family Time
6 likes • 17h
Taking care of my kids, spend time with family, work
2 likes • 13h
@Alicia Dane ☺️
IRL Start 🤝!
Hi Guys, was meant to do this a week ago, so you can already see one of my bad habits which is procrastination lol. Other bad habits I have are : - Poor diet ( I eat a lot of junk food - I am 6'2 80kg btw so I am not unhealthy at first glance ) but this is because I go to the gym. Not as often as I used to of late, but I still go when I can. - Relationship with money : Terrible - Bad at budgeting (not necessarily bad but I rarely budget this is because a lot of expenses come up out of the blue (Excuse probably)), also I spend a lot on food unnecessarily, when I get paid or get money in general I tend to find / buy things I think I need but don't really need lol. Skills - I am currently learning how to trade currencies - Also good at sales - Currently a student as well, studying Software engineering, so I am learning software development as well. What I want to Overcome - Procrastination - Impulse buying and spending habits - Sleeping habits - I want to build a proper routine that will allow me to be efficient Also to hold my self accountable I will be posting in here at 5am UK time, that's when I want to be up everyday (Weekends excluded for now)🤝 This was hard to post, a bit out of my comfort zone but hey. Have to step out of it to level up. Look forward to meeting everyone!
New comment 5h ago
IRL Start 🤝!
4 likes • 1d
Good job for being real and putting this out there! You’ve got a lot on your plate, but acknowledging it is already a big step.
2 likes • 1d
@Jesse Darko small steps
1-10 of 597
Louise Aquino
2,102points to level up
Creating posts you can't resist liking. Social media ninja infusing creativity into every update. Coffee fuels my magic.

Active 13h ago
Joined Jun 24, 2024
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